Chapter 14

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 20, 2020. I realized that I never expressed my gratitude. We're already on Chapter 14! It's crazy, and I'm really thankful for all of you. The overwhelming support I've recieved just keeps coming and makes me feel so happy. I would be in a really bad place without all of you. 

this is honestly just a filler chapter except for the end

Y/n parks her car outside of the mansion. They walk up the steps hand in hand. Stepping inside, Y/n calls out. "Guys? We're home!"

"In here!" Rosalie calls out.

They make their way to the living room and find everyone collectively reading. Emmett is battling Renesmee and Jacob in an intense game of Monopoly.

The family looks up and they lock eyes with Y/n and Jasper's hands. "Aw, you guys kissed!" Emmett hollers happily. "When's the wedding?"

Jasper rolls his eyes. "Not until after I graduate," Y/n responds cooly. Everyone's eyes widen, especially Jasper's.

"I'm kidding, Jeez! What is it with vampires not understanding humor?"

Jacob stands up. "So, your the newest human they've taken in?"

She crosses her arms. "And you're a werewolf. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I smelled Jasper on you, but I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to talk to him first."

"You made me think I was crazy, dude!"

He playfully sneers at her. "Well, you're not, so."

Y/n rolls her eyes and looks at Alice. "You're not mad, are you?"

Alice smiles gently at her. "Of course not. I respect you and Jasper enough to let him be happy with his true mate. We're still family. And you are my newest sister, and for that I'm thankful."

Y/n tears up and hugs Alice gratefully. When they pull away, she glances at her watch. "I should get home." She turns to Jasper. "Thank you for everything, Jas. This was magical."

He smiles at her and kisses her softly. Emmett and Bella begin whooping in the background. "Hey, if she wants you, let her have you. Don't be like Edward over here. I obviously didn't die," Bella scoffs.

"You did die, Bella. You were dead for 3 days," Jacob says.

"Shut up, Jake."

Y/n laughs and looks at Jasper. "If you ever want me, you know where to find me." With a wink and a kiss on his cheek, she whisks herself out of the house. 

Hollering is still heard. "You're gonna get it!"

"Emmett, please shut up."

Y/n laughs and heads home.


Y/n steps inside her house. "I'm home!" She calls out.

Her parents rush toward her. "Are you okay?"

"How did it go?"

"Did you have to use your taser?"

"Was he respectful?"

"Woah, chill," Y/n says. "It went really well. We went to the movies, then to La Push, and then he took me to that fancy restaurant."

Her parents are stunned. "Wow."

"Don't look so surprised, I can pick good guys," she laughs.

Her parents follow her. "Did you... kiss?" 

Y/n blushes and remains quiet. M/n gasps. "You did!"

She whips around. "He's my boyfriend now! You all can meet him, but chill. Please. We can talk about this later."

"It's only 7:30. Talk to us now."

Y/n sighs and sits down. "His name is Jasper Cullen. He is a senior with me and he just moved here with his family. He has 6 siblings. He has curly gold hair and super intricate bone structure."

M/n smirks. "Don't sound so upset, we just want to know who he is."

"Six siblings?" F/n mutters.


"It's a lot of kids!"

"I'm going to take a bath," Y/n groans, trudging up the stairs to her bathroom. She strips her clothes and runs water, sitting on the edge. She dips her fingers in the rapidly pooling water, mixing it to get the temperature right. When its warm enough, she gets out some candles and places them around the bathroom.

"If Jasper ever wanted to show up at my house, now would be the time," she mutters to herself, pouring in some lavendar bubble bath. Sinking into the soapy suds, Y/n sighs happily. 

Her toes wiggle under the water and it ripples around her body. She swears she hears footsteps upstairs, but it must just be her parents. 

Closing her eyes, she lets the water envelope her body. The door to the bathroom creaks open, then shuts. Y/n opens her eyes to see a small blonde girl dressed in black robes standing in her doorway.

Y/n screams and covers her body with bubbles. "Who the heck are you?!" She looks into the girl's eyes. Red.

"Do not be scared, human. I am not here to hurt you. I am simply here to deliver a message from the Volturi."

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