Chapter 11

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 18, 2020. My God, how am I still alive? We've dealt with 10 months of this messed up stuff. I all started on New Year's Eve in Wuhan, that's when the first Coronavirus case was discovered. Then Australia caught fire and World War 3 almost started and from there... we just dissolved into utter chaos. But I think I'm numb now because I honestly could care less. Ok, anyways! Enjoy!

this one is going to be long

" we came across each other on social media a while back and have been talking. I didn't know they were coming to Forks, though," Y/n explains to her friend's at the lunch table. 

They all look at her. "And you didn't tell us because...?" Mac asks.

"Because I knew that if I told you, you guys would be pimping me out," Y/n says with a smirk.

Mac nods. "She's not wrong, though."

The group dissolves into a comfortable silence and eat their lunches. "Classes are going well then, I take it?" Verity asks.

"Basically. You were right, V, this is going to be an easy year," Chris says. 

"When do sports start, Mac?" Y/n asks.

"Not for a month of so."

"Good. I need to make alterations on my personal cheer uniform," Y/n jokes.

Verity rolls her eyes, laughing. "As if!" Her eyes widen as she looks at something behind Y/n

"What?" Y/n looks behind her to see Jasper. "Oh. Hi, Jas."

He smiles warmly at her. Verity, Mac, and Chris simultaneously smirk and look at the pair.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me?" He asks.

Y/n looks at her friends. "As long as y'all are okay with me abandoning you."

Chris winks at Jasper. "I'd abandon you guys anyday for you."

He blinks awkwardly in response. "Sorry, Jas, Chris is just horny and jealous," Y/n says, glaring at Chris, who snickers. 

They walk out of the lunch room together. "How has your day been so far?" Y/n asks.

"It's so weird to be back here. Nothing's changed, and the some of the teacher's are still the same."

Y/n raises an eyebrow. "Why aren't people going to recognize you? Surely they would see you and think of 2008 Jasper?"

Jasper laughs quietly. "I mean no offense to your kind, but um, humans are quite dumb."


"I know, I'm sorry! But they usually don't suspect anything, and if they do, they chalk it down to pure coincidence."

Y/n nods. "I feel insignificant," she laughs.

Jasper stops her and looks into her e/c eyes deeply. "Hey. You are not insignificant. You are one of the smartest people I know. You are genuinely different from other humans. Don't ever think you don't mean anything."

Her eyes widen. "I- wow, Jasper."

They resume walking again, this time a bit more awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to think things like that."

"Well, it was actually a joke, but seeing as you can't take that-"

"How dare you?" He feigns offense. 

She playfully shoves him. "It's not my fault you're daft!"

Smiling at her, he turns to her again. "Let me take you out. Just an outing. Whether it's a date or just two friends hanging out together is up to you. Please, Y/n."

She smiles at him. "Of course. We can go somewhere after school. The movies, maybe?"

He nods. "I think that 'Emma' just came out. Are you into period pieces?"

Y/n looks at him. "I watched the entirety of 'Downton' Abbey in 2 days. No sleep, only food and immersing myself in the early 1900's scandals," she says with a straight face.

"Should I be scared, darling?"



The bell rings and students rush out of the classroom. Y/n packs up her stuff and heads out to her friend's car's. "Hey guys. I'm going to see a movie with Jasper today, so I'll catch you all later."

Everyone grins at her, but Verity is beaming. "You're going on a date!" She squeals.

Y/n blushes. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. He said that it can be a date or a hangout between two friends, whatever I want. I pick date," she says bashfully.

"Oh, and he's respectful too," Chris says lustfully.

"And he's straight. And mine," Y/n says.

"Op! You claimed him! This must be serious, Y/n," Chris says. 

She shakes her head and walks to the Cullen's Jeep. Not bothering to look back at them, she flips them off playfully.

"Love you too!" Mac hollers. 

Leaning against the Jeep, she grabs her phone to text her parents.

Givers of Life

hi guys is it ok if i go see a movie with a friend?

Mommy: Of course, sweetheart. Be home by 7:00, if you plan to be late.

i dont think we'll be that late, but ok

Daddy: Are you going with your friends?

um he's A friend



Daddy: Ok sweetie make sure you look nice do you have that taser I bought you for your birthday? if he tries anything taze him ok baby girl? i love you so much please be safe


but i do have my taser yes

Mommy: Have fun, sweetie.

Y/n grins as she sees the Cullen's strut out of the school.

"So, Jasper is kidnapping you?" Bella says.

"More like I'm kidnapping him. We're taking my car," Y/n says, taking his hand and dragging him to her Bug.

"Nice energy, Y/n!" Emmett hollers.

"Shut up, Emmett!"

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