Chapter 31

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 13, 2020. We are definitely slowing down because we just did a massive time skip to...*drumroll please* CHRISTMAS!! OR HANNUKAH! OR KWANZA! WINTER!

soooo i was raised in a christian household (although i am now aethiest) and i dont know how to celebrate other winter holidays and i dont want to offend anyone, so im just going to celebrate christmas WITHOUT ANY ACTUAL RELIGIOUS CONNECTIONS. everything is simply santa claus related

Warning: Implied stuff at the very beginning

Y/n leans against Jasper's bare chest and gazes out the window. His arms are wrapped around her and his hands rub little circles into her arm. Through the open window, a winter breeze pushes through her room and she burrows under the sheets a little more.

Turning on her side, she wraps her legs around his waist and pulls him closer, resting her head in the crook of his chest and arm. He kisses the top of her head and closes his eyes. 

Snow begins gently falling to the ground outside, sitting on the treetops and resting on the frosty ground. "Merry Christmas, Jas," Y/n whispers.

"Merry Christmas, darlin'."


After finishing up Christmas morning with her family, Y/n rushes up the stairs to shower and get dressed for Christmas with the Cullens. After drying her hair, she selects the Christmas outfit that Bella, Rosalie, Alice, and Renesmee picked out when they all went shopping together.

 After drying her hair, she selects the Christmas outfit that Bella, Rosalie, Alice, and Renesmee picked out when they all went shopping together

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if you recognize that outfit from another one of my stories i love you so much you are dedicated

Putting on her thick gray sweater, she slides down the banister of her staircase giddily. Grabbing her keys, she stops herself and turns to her parents. "You guys are still coming to dinner at their house tonight, right?"

They nod, and Y/n smiles. "Ok, great! See you tonight!" Running out the door, she climbs in her car, quickly turning it on. She hears the heater turn on, but of course, she doesn't feel it.

Pulling up at their house, she runs up the stairs and throws open the door. "MERRY CHRISTMAS, CULLENS!" She hollers, running into the living room.

"Y/n!" Renesmee squeals, running down the stairs and hugging her sister. 

"Hey, Rasasquatch!" Y/n laughs. Renesmee rolls her eyes. Y/n nicknamed her that after watching how horribly she hunts. 

A chorus of heavy footsteps thunks down the stairs and the rest of the Cullens appear. They all run over and hug Y/n. Jasper leans against the doorway and Y/n spots him. Although they just saw each other a few hours ago, she still runs over to him and jumps up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

He laughs deeply in her ear, making her beam.

"Ohh, Merry Christmas, everyone!" She says happily, sitting down on the couch beside Jas, throwing her legs over his lap. 

"Merry Christmas!" They all say simultaneously.

Y/n grabs her gifts for everyone and passes them out. They all look up at her, surprised. "You didn't have to get us anything," Edward says.

"Oh, yes I did. This year has been...odd. It's been horrible, but also amazing, because I met my family." She squeezes Jasper's knee, and he flashes her his signature smirk. "Anyways, open it!"

Alice opens hers first, and pulls out a charm bracelet. "Oh, sweetie, it's beautiful!"

Bella and Renesmee open their's next, pulling out matching necklaces. Bella's has a moon, and Renesmee's has a sun. "This is so sweet. Thank you, Y/n," Bella says.

Rosalie opens hers and finds a designer bag. "Woah. I don't know what to say."

Esme opens her small case to find a glimmering sapphire ring. "Y/n, it's beautiful."

Carlisle opens his next and pulls out a bedazzled scalpel. "So you were the one that stole my scalpel," he laughs.

Emmet pulls out a big, fuzzy blanket. "I can't feel warmth, but this looks amazing."

Edward opens a bag that has lip gloss and eyeliner. "This can't be mine."

Y/n laughs. "I think you'd look good with a touch of makeup." She winks at Bella.

Finally, Jasper opens his small box and pulls out a ring attached to a chain. Y/n pulls a matching one out from under her blouse. "I figured we could have something that matched."

"It's absolutely beautiful, darlin'. Merry Christmas." He says, kissing her softly. She beams into the kiss.

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