Chapter 22

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 28, 2020. Today is also my mother's birthday! Happy birthday, mom! Eh, she doesn't even know this account exists. I would simply die if she did. Also, I'm not really going to go into too much detail with the plane ride; nothing exciting happens there.

Y/n looks down over the gloomy rain clouds and sees the tops of the green trees peeking through, although the trees are quite far away. "It's really beautiful," she says.

"It is," Jasper responds, looking at her. She turns her head and catches him staring at her. 

"Sap," she laughs quietly, kissing him softly. "I had to wake up early and we've got a long flight ahead of us so I'm going to sleep." Y/n tucks under her blanket again and wads up her cardigan, using it as a pillow against the cold airplane wall. She gazes down at Washington and her eyes slowly close.

Emmett looks over. "She's so small when she's sleeping!"

"She could easily be killed," Rosalie nods.

"Rose!" Bella remarks.

"What? It's true."

Esme leans over. "It'll be good to let her sleep. She needs to charge."


Y/n wakes up to the gentle jolts of the plane. Rubbing her eyes, she looks at Jasper, who is gripping the armrests tightly. "Jasper, you're going to break the chair," she whispers.

He looks at her. "Whats wrong, Jas?"

Edward leans over. "The plane is experiencing a little turbulence because of the rain, and Jasper didn't tell you that he has flying anxiety."

Y/n sighs and rubs his back. "You're okay, bub. I'm right here. We are completely safe." Her eyebrows shoot up as she gets an idea. She grabs her backpack and digs around. "Yes! Found it!" She pulls out a balloon.

"What is that?" Jasper asks wearily.

"This is a homemade stressball. I have anxiety, and to be quite honest, I'm really scared about meeting Aro, so I just made this so that I have something to squeeze when I get scared. Luckily, I have you to squeeze now. But if you squeeze me, you break me. So I will give you this. It's full of Play-Dough," she explains.

He smiles at her softly. "You are absolutley perfect," he says, kissing her forehead. 

"I can also distract you," she offers.

"What?" Jas smirks at her.

"Not like that, you nasty. I have some movies we can watch. What time is it, 12:46? We still have hours to go. I will give you three options of a marathon: Marvel marathon, Star Wars marathon, or Broadway bootleg marathon."

"Marvel is the obvious choice, I think, darling," he concludes.

"Good choice. Luckily for you, Disney+ is prepaid on the flight, so we can watch as much Marvel to our hearts content," Y/n says, opening the airline provided tablet. "We're watching in order, right?"

"Chronological or release date?" Jasper clarifies.

"Chronoloical," Y/n replies, selecting on Captain America: First Avenger. "I just want you to know that I'm in love with almost every Marvel character, so there will be a considerable amount of lust from my behalf."

Jasper nods curtly. "Good to know. I feel rejected, but good to know."

They pop in their earbuds and get submersed in the 1940s. Y/n snickers when she sees Skinny Steve. "I've seen too many behind the scenes cuts to be fooled by this!"

Y/n and Jasper laugh along and the Cullens look at them happily. Alice watches them longingly. Esme reaches over. "Are you okay?"

Alice looks at her. "Yeah. I am okay, actually."


10 hours and 13 minutes later, the plane begins its smooth descent down to Italy. It's wheels bump against the runway and it pulls into the terminal lane. 

Everyone stands up, grabs their bags, and begins filing into the large, grand airport. 

"I'm in Italy!" Y/n squeals. "Although this place looks like any other airport."

She looks out the window and gasps, turning back to the group

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She looks out the window and gasps, turning back to the group. "Actual sunlight! We never see this in Forks!"

Jasper laughs at her as she runs around, looking at things eagerly. They walk out of the airport and the Cullens begin putting on hats and wrapping themselves up to prevent them from sparkling.

"The weather is perfect!" Y/n gushes, grabbing Jasper's hand.

They walk into a garage and to a large SUV. "Is this the rental, Carlisle?" Bella asks.

"Yep." Everyone puts their suitcases in and piles into the seats. 

"Ok. I'm about to meet more vampires. Ok," Y/n mutters, watching the gorgeous old town speed by. 

Bella groans. "I really hoped we would never have to come back here."

Edward frowns and kisses her head. "I'm still sorry for that."

"As long as Jasper doesn't try to run away and commit suicide, I'm good," she growls. Jasper gulps. 

Y/n shifts in her seat uncomfortably. "I am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today."

After about thirty minutes of driving, a large castle comes into view. 

"Welcome to Volterra," Carlisle says grimly.

"Welcome to Volterra," Carlisle says grimly

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