A Chicago Love Story (Part 1)

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!!CHARACTER DESCRIPTION!! *Laiya is brownskin, 5'3 and antisocial* *For Von's description, look at the pic*

My name is Laiya Anderson. I moved to Chicago from ATL because my dad got a new promotion and my mom found a house she really liked so, here we are! I really didn't want to move. I miss all my friends back in Atlanta. My mom said that I could stay with my Auntie Shirley during the summers if I wanted to see my friends and cousins but it's just not the same.

"LAIYAA!!!" I heard my dad yell. ME: "I'm coming Daddy gimme a minute! Dang.."  MOM: "You don't wanna be late for your first day at  your new school baby." Great. A new school. New people and new "friends". I'm from the south, nobody in Chicago is gonna want to be friends with me.. it's like if you're from the North and you move to the South, people are gonna think you're weird and vice versa.

DAD:"Laiya I ain't gon call you down here again!! Bring ya ass NOW!"  I finished tying up my laces and stomped downstairs. DAD: "Where you think you going looking like that?" MOM: "Dennis, she's almost late. Let it go." ME: "Yeah Daddy. Plus I'm gonna be 18 soon, I don't need to be treated like a 13 year old." DAD: "Fine. But if any boys try and talk to you, tell em you're not interested and yo daddy will beat em up!!" I couldn't help but giggle. ME: "BYE MOMMA BYE DADDY!!" I rushed out the door. I just know that if I had stayed any longer I'd be lectured, I had to GO.

THOUGHTS: "Damn I forgot to eat breakfast. I seen a lil hood store on the way down to the house yesterday so I guess I should stop there." By the time I had gotten to a stop sign getting ready to cross the street, I seen a group of FINEE dudes and all of them had dreads and I started to feel nervous... I thought I should skip breakfast but then my stomach growled loudly reminding me that it was time to put some food in it. I gulped and pulled out my phone to look busy. The group of guys got real quiet when I walked past so I got even more nervous... I heard one say "DAYUMM" and I quickly ran into the store. I was looking through the juice aisle and when I was grabbing some apple juice, I felt like I was being watched. I looked up and seen one of the dudes from the group. He was sizing me and I had smiled trying to be nice. He was really REALLY cute. My stomach was doing backflips at this point. I went to grab a breakfast bar and I seen his friends at the register laughing. He walked over and said something to them and they walked out.

I walked up to the man at the register and pulled some money out my purse. The fine boy came behind me and shook his head at the cashier and said "Nah bro I got her." I turned and said "Um it's cool, I got it." and he said "Nah girl I got chu." I just rolled my eyes and said "Ok thank you" and tried to hand him my money to pay him back and he didn't take it. I stood there confused for a minute and then I asked him "So you jus pay for every strangers' stuff?" he laughed and said "Nah I thought you was pretty and ion think you should be out here paying allat money for jus that lil bit of stuff." I looked down at my shoes and said " Well I had the money but I preciate it." I felt him staring at me again so I looked up and he licked his lips.

I wanted to melt because that is my BIGGEST WEAKNESS!!! I looked at my phone and seen the time and said "Um I gotta go I'm gon be late for school. Nice meeting you and thank you again.." He looked surprised when I said it then he said "You real cute shordy. You gon lemme get yo number or something?" I blushed and said "um ion know if I got time for that... I'm runnin late so I gotta go, see you around I guess.."

By the time I had gotten to school I was superr nervous. THOUGHTS: "Dammit Lai! Why didn't I give him my number.. what if I don't see him again.."  Then I heard a familiar voice and a bunch of laughing. I looked over and there he was!! I got wayyy more excited than I should have but ya girl was crushing hard. I looked away and kept walking towards my class then the laughter stopped and I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I took one headphone out my ear and turned around and there he was. "Aye shawty wassup." ME: "Oh hii." I tried not to sound too excited. "You never told me yo name back at the store." he said sizing me again. "I'm Laiya, what bout chu?". "I'm Dayvon but jus call me Von shawty." he licked them pretty lips again.

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