Chapter one

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He had watched her for some time, lurking in the shadows. She always went about her routine never paying any attention to her surroundings. She had her airpods in listening to music and dancing around the office cleaning. It would be so easy to sneak up and take her, but the time wasn't right. Seth gazed at her from the darkness. She was beautiful. She was tall and curvy, with long pale blond hair that lay in beautiful ringlets against her back. Her eyes were an amazing aqua color that danced when she smiled. He knew she was his mate and it took everything in his power not to kidnap her and take her back to his castle. She smelled like heaven to him and even though she was in a building he could still smell her cinnamon scent screaming at him to just take her. Alas she was mortal and knew nothing of his world so he had to do things delicately for fear of her rejecting him. He continued to watch as she finished up her task and started packing up her belongings. This was her usual time of finishing and heading home. He always stayed and made sure no harm came to her walking the empty streets at night to get to her apartment. She didn't seem to realize how much danger lurked in the dark and just bopped her way down the streets to her music oblivious to the dangers that awaited her just out of view. He had stopped thugs and rapists from getting at her just in the short time he had found her. He wanted to punish her for being so naive and innocent. If he hadn't found her he was certain bad things would have happened, which only fueled his anger that begged him to just take her already. But, in his ancient mind he knew things couldn't be done that way so he bided his time and watched and waited for the perfect opportunity. Soon he thought as she finally made it home. He heard the doors click and then the sliding of the bolt letting him know she was safely in her apartment. He could see her outline through the curtains as she got ready for bed. He stayed until the lights went out then he headed into the darkness looking for his meal.


She was happy to be home and in her warm bed. It had been a long night of cleaning offices. She liked working at night as she always was a night owl, but lately things felt different. The night had always made her feel safe and happy and the calm, quiet of the night was her sanctuary. Alexis pondered over the feelings she had been getting the past few weeks as she lay in her bed. She felt as if she was being watched and she picked up noises behind her and around her when she walked home that shouldn't be there. Rolling over in her bed thinking she might be going crazy, but she swore tonight she could smell warm cinnamon buns. She knew that was crazy giving the time of the night and the area she was in there wasn't a bakery anywhere around. Yep she decided she was either crazy or really needed to sleep. Closing her eyes and pulling her blanket up to her chin she snuggled into the covers and thought sleep is what I need.

Waking up at three in the afternoon she sat up in bed stretching and yawning really big. Her alarm clock was set for five, but she already felt refreshed and ready for her work tonight. Getting out of bed she made her way to her kitchen and started the coffee pot. Looking into her fridge she groaned, she had forgotten to go grocery shopping. Closing the door she turned and poured her coffee. Shit out of creamer and sugar, black it is she thought taking a sip and grimacing at the bitterness. Well there was nothing left to it shopping it is. Finishing her coffee and getting a quick shower she dressed and headed out to get groceries and other supplies. It was strange being out while the sun was still up. She mostly did everything after dark, but she wanted to get the shopping done as she had a new client to meet about cleaning their office. They had asked for a specific time too, and since it was midnight for the arranged time she wanted to get started a little earlier on the other offices since she didn't know how long it would take with this new client. The client was very vague about what they actually wanted in terms of cleaning so it was best if I could get some of my easier offices cleaned and be ready for anything. Hopping into the car my friend lets me borrow when I have to head deep into town I drive off to the grocery store.

After an hour of shopping and getting everything I needed for the next couple of weeks I head back home to get ready for my work day. Getting home and putting everything up I head into the shower and strip down and take a long relaxing shower scrubbing my body and soaking in the warmth. Jumping out and heading into my bedroom I get on my work clothes and gather my belongings I will need. Looking at the clock I notice it's already seven and I can go ahead and clean Mr. Taylor's office just down the street. Heading out of my home just as the sun is starting to set behind the trees I pull my jacket a little tighter as the wind picks up. It's starting to get colder as fall is turning into winter so the nights are getting longer which I always enjoy. Arriving at Mr. Taylor's office I let myself in and start my routine. It's going to be a busy night, but I don't mind I have my music to keep me company as I slip in my airpods and start cleaning and dancing to the beat.

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