Chapter 1

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"Where the hell do you think you're going!?" My aunt yells at me while I was packing my things

"Don't worry about it, mind your own business" I yell back as I grabbed all of my remaining belongings along with my car keys before walking out the house

My friends were waiting for me outside. We are driving to Florida where my brother lives because he needs me, You may think why he needs me? Well we're in a gang called "The Reds" he is the main leader of the gang and he leads the one in Miami, Florida and I am co-leader and I lead the one in California but now my friends; who are also apart of the gang, and I are heading to Florida to help my brother take down our enemies, the kings.

My brother and I use to be friends with the main leader of The Kings, but after what happen two years ago we became enemies and now we want revenge.

I ran to my red Lamborghini and put my bags in the back seat, my aunt was still yelling at me but I wasn't paying much attention until "You're just like your mother, a worthless piece of shit" I turn around to face her "What did you just say?" I asked trying to control myself "you heard me" she smirked, I pulled out my gun and was about to shoot the bitch until my bestfriend said "Nikki she's not worth it" Ava said, I pulled the trigger and shot her leg "Don't you ever, I mean ever speak about my mother like that ever again or else I won't hesitate to kill you!" The bitch was crying out in pain and nodded "Good, have a nice life" I smiled innocently and walked over to my team "okay guys let's go" I smirked

They all nodded and got in our cars and drove off. It was 7 of us, yea we are a small gang, my bestfriend Ava was riding with me "so are you nervous to see Jacob? I mean you haven't seen him for a year" Ava asked "not really we've talked a couple of times"

"I hope he's still cute" she squealed as I groaned "after this past year you still have a major crush on my brother don't you!?" I laughed "NO! I just think he's cute that's all" she defended "okay, okay damn" I said

20 minutes to the drive my brother called, I put on speaker "Hey Jake, what's up?" "Nothing, just making sure you're okay" I smiled "I'm fine, just something went down before I left" I said through gritted teeth "What happened!?" He panicked "That bitch of a Aunt start talking shit and brought up mom" I said getting angry "Please tell me you walked away and drove off. Did you tell her you're coming to live with me?" he asked "Uh No, I shot that bitch in the leg, and then I walked away" I smiled proudly "Same old Nicole, didn't change did you?" He laughed "Nope" I said popping the "p" "Is she okay though?"

"She's fine, I even was nice enough to call the ambulance for her" I said as he laughed "see you soon little sis, love you" "Love you too" we hung up, I turned to Ava that looked at me with wide eyes "What?" I asked confused "Damn, he sounds hot on the phone" she said as I laughed

This is my first book. Enjoy :)

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