Chapter 2

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Please listen to dancing queen on volume 2, I want it to be quiet ;)

"Did you not hear me pink?" Black said now cupping both his hands on my helmet.

"Leave the poor girl alone," Green said from across the room. "Have you been here before pink?" Black said leaning closer to me.

"N-no." I responded quietly.

"Figured." Black said.

"I have a task here." I said fixing my posture and crossing my arms. "Don't you see we're kinda busy right now?" Green spoke up again. Black let go of my helmet and walked towards green. I could hear whispering but not what they were saying.

Suddenly a pair of hands were placed on my shoulders. I look back to see a red helmet.

"We better get going babe," I jumped and saw Red behind me. Black and green both looked my way to see Red being cozy with me. What the hell is he doing here?

"Just play along with it," Red leans and whispers into the side of my helmet. I give a small nod, and start making my way out. I looked back when I got out of Admin to see Black still facing my way looking like he wanted to tell me something, while green was doing wires.

"What do you want?" I say to Red stepping away from him as we get in the hallway. "I was saving your ass, no thank you?" Red said with a big sigh. "I was completely capable by myself, and Green and Black aren't dangerous." I backfire.

"You didn't see it did you?" Red said bending over laughing. "See what?" I asked repulsed.

"The gun hidden in the wires, Green was hiding it from you. there are wepons hidden in some tasks for the killers." Red said stepping closer to me.

"I think you saw wrong. Plus I had like two tasks in there!" I said stepping even closer shoving him. He didn't move. He doesn't say anything so I continue my way down the hallway, the lights are still off so I don't know where to go.

Red caught up to me and stepped in front of me. "We need to stick together." He said putting his hands on my shoulders like he did earlier.

"How do I know you won't kill me?" I say. "Watch me do a task, I know the map so I know where to take you." Red said Rubbing my arms up and down now.

"We can find the others. Cyan looks too nice to kill and White is close with her." Red stated. I feel iffy about him, he was super creepy on the ship. I give in, and I link our arms. Red gives a small chuckle and we go on our way.


The lights start coming back on. I talked to Red for about a solid hour about myself. I read somewhere that if you tell your kidnapper about yourself it's 40% less likely they will kill you.

We reach around the corner, Red tells me this is the storage room. It looked bigger than a warehouse, full of boxes and levers. It was colder in this room.

I took out my phone and saw I needed to take out the trash and empty chutes. Red told me he needed to do wires in the front of the room. I could see, my helmet makes it hard though. I start running down the rows of boxes looking for the trash.

After a while of running, I'm out of breath but I found the trash. Now I need to find the chutes and throw it out. I walked slowly now, trying to be cautious of my surroundings.

I didn't notice this earlier but if you listen closely you can hear older music playing. Dancing Queen.

You're the dancing queen, young and sweet only seventeen~

Made me feel happy in a weird way.

I finally found the chutes and pulled the big bin full of heavy metal parts closer. I open the chutes and tilt the bin. I start grabbing the heavy metal and throwing it into the chutes.

I continue to do this until I get to the bottom of the bin, I see a knife. I take the knife and a scrap piece of metal and place the knife in the metal to hide it. I put it in the pocket of my suit. I think of red when I do this.

I get done Throwing the metal away, and watch it float through space in the window. My first task is complete.

I run back to the front of the warehouse trying to find red. "Why'd you take that knife pink?" Red said from behind me. Shit. "I-if I run into black again, you know?" I say trying to convince him.

"Killing a person is a serious thing Pink. It changes a person." Red says like he can see my scared face through my helmet. "C'mon, let's go." Red says taking my hand.


"We need to head to Shields. I have to polish them then we can head back to cafeteria." Red said. I nod. I didn't realize but it's already been 6 hours since we got here, it must have taken me longer than I though in storage. My heart rate has been up and I feel dizzy from how nervous i've been.

"Need something?" Red asks stopping us in our tracks. "No, I'm just thinking about stuff."

"Oh okay. I've been meaning to ask you, why are you here?" Red brings up. "I wanted to feel something. I've had some... Thoughts about life and I felt like I wasn't worth it. I volunteered to come here, If I die then It wouldn't have been for nothing." I ramble.

"You came voluntarily?" Red said. "Yeah. what about you," I asked. He seemed so surprised I wanted to come. I mean if I knew I would feel like this than I probably wouldn't have come.

"I got into some big legal trouble." Red said ending the conversation. "Fun," FUN?!? Why did I say that, ugh stupid Pink.

We continue on our way, not talking but our arms were still linked. Every few steps he would give me a small nudge or a chuckle, so I know he didn't think my 'fun' response was offensive. thank god.


"Pink," Red said talking my small shoulders into his hands again. I guess he likes doing this. "You remind me of someone I left behind who was important to me. That's why I'm sticking with you. Can I do something?" Red said really bluntly.

I nod slowly wanting to know what he is going to do. Suddenly he picks me up and gives me the biggest hug. I herd some quivers and his breathing was shaky. I hug him back and he relaxes in my arms. I stood there a bit shocked, we've only known each other for less than a day.

"My sister, you look a lot like her. Same frame, Act like her too. Please don't die," Red says hugging me tighter. I don't give a lot of physical affection much, but I craved this so much. I thought it was super uncomfortable but I love it so much.

Red inhales and exhales loudly and gently sets me down. "Please don't die." Red said taking both of my hands in his. I give him a quick nod. He tilted his head smiling.

We linked arms again, this time I felt a little bit more comfortable being around him. We continue on till we get to shields.

I open the doors, Red is explaining how long his tasks might take so he told me to wait outside of the doors.

"PINK!" Red yells. I dash in to see Red holding orange in his arms. Her helmet was off, it isn't oxygen time yet.

"W-when I came in I saw the vent close and her helmet was g-gone. She isn't getting any oxygen, she's d-dead, pink."

See that girl, watch that scene diggin' the dancing queen~

Thanks for coming back love <3 also rip orange :/
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