Chapter 16

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Purple's POV
I have to tell them. It was so hard for me to learn last time. What will happen? Will I go power crazy again? I'm scared of who I'm going to turn into after I tell them. But when.

"Baby," Yellow drags out attached to my arm. At first she was fun to play with and made me feel better about coming here again, but now she is annoying. She made me finish her tasks and I think she is scared of me leaving her.

"Wanna play again?" She asks smirking. I think I've played too much over the past week with her. "Not right now," I say without looking at her. She pouts and lets go of me. Cyan and Blue don't step in and stay silent.

Will I get out of here again? I'm not going to be as lucky. Pink has Black, White and Red protecting her and she is strong by herself. I haven't seen them in a while and we haven't talked in the chat box. We should meet up so I can tell them. But not yet, It's too dangerous and I don't know how they will react.

"I will be going on the mission again!" I say in front of my crowd and the press. I loved the feeling of all these people adoring me.

They don't know what happened on Skeld though, they don't know how much pain, how scared I was, and how I've cheated. If I come back alive again I could be more famous and wealthy. Pain is a risk I'm willing to take for power.

I was so stupid to say that, so power hungry. I don't know who is killing people either. This person has to be smart. We have been sticking together but I won't be surprised if someone dies again soon. It's better if more people die before I share the news.

"Where are we headed now?" Blue asks. He asks too many fucking questions. "Lower right storage close to Communications," I tell him with a slightly annoyed voice. "When will we get out of here babyyyyyy," Yellow drags. I roll my eyes, we won't be getting out any time soon.

Cyan looks over to me like she wants to say something but she keeps quiet. I'm getting really pissed of right now. Everyone's heavy breathing, the slow pace.

They keep asking me questions and relying on me too. When I came back last time so many people thought I was tough. I was the one relying on people last time. That's how I got out.

We keep walking until we get to the storage unit. I nod over to Blue and he goes and takes out the trash through the chutes. It took him 40 minutes to do this which was really impressive. He smiled at me not phased or tired from his speed. That pisses me off even more.

"Do you guys have any suspicions on who the killer is?" Cyan says. Her voice cracked but the words came out smoothly meaning that she was planning what to say and how to say it.

"It has to be Red," Yellow whines. "Why?" Cyan asks.  I've established not to really think much on what Yellow says. "He is just creepy," She shudders. Cyan nods with her cheeks puffy trying not to laugh at Yellow. She's too nice.

None of these people interest me. I can seem nice and helpful on the outside but it's just an act my publicist taught me. The only person that slightly grasps my worthy attention is Black.

I've met so many people and I could tell their personalities by how they presented themselves. He is really hard to figure out.

I shake off the thought, I don't like thinking I'm wrong or stupid. We are walking back up the isles of the storage unit, looking at all of the food supply and hygiene products.

Near the top of a shelf there are a supply of space suits, multiple for each color. It looks really dangerous to get up there though, it would be too much of a hassle just to get a new suit.

"You seem a little off Purple," Yellow says in a serious tone. That's one thing right that came out of her mouth. "We need to have a meeting soon," I tell her. "Why?" She pushes. "I want to see who is still alive, and I uh... Need to tell everyone something," I state to her. She nods with a smile and we continue on our way.

Cyan is talking to Blue about some boring thing back in her old life. None of that matters anymore if she is going to die or make it out alive. If she dies, she dies a 'hero'. If she lives than she is a 'hero' and everything from her old life will change. People will admire you, notice you, and love you. There are a lot of perks coming back to earth alive.

When I came back I was scared. Ashamed for what I did, and tired. I didn't eat at all last time and I barely got sleep. No one told me that we could sleep in vents. After that I slept for 2 months in a hospital with liquid food so I could stay alive.

While I was asleep my publicist (which I didn't know I had at the time) informed me that there were tons, and I mean TONS of people coming in and out giving me gifts and prayers.

I still have most of the stuff people gave me in my mansion. It's in a separate room with my old space suit, I used to have the Black space suit.

I sigh heavily thinking about all of those things in my past life. Once you step foot on here, you have a new one.

I used to think I love you~

Lowkey loved doing a 'profile' on Purple! I wanna do these on each character that doesn't get enough 'screen time' like Cyan and Yellow.

Kind of random but how long should I make this story? I can stretch it out pretty long but I just want to know what would fit your likings :)

Y'all I literally planned this story in a day so I'm super sorry if things don't line up :(

Love you so, so much broski😼vote and comment😽

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