Chapter 26

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He hugs me tight.


My eyes open. I'm in a pitch black room, hands are all over me. I see a flame light in the corner, revealing who's hands these are.

"Pink,-" They all whisper. It's all of them. Orange, Purple, Yellow, Green, Cyan. This has to be a dream. Blood is pouring slowly out of their mouths as they say my name.

"You killed us." They all start collectively saying. "N-no, I didn't," I say as if I'm guilty. "It's all your fault," They say. I feel like I'm suffocating in them.

"Stay alive, live with the guilt," Green says smiling as the blood starts pooling out of his eyes.

Green. I miss him. My eyes fill with tears of sadness and guilt. I could have saved him, I was right there with him.

The tears stream down my face when I look at everyone else. Their body's have been slowly decaying and rotting and it's all my fault. I could have saved all of them.

Suddenly the tears running down my face turn to blood. Crimson, thick, irony blood. It makes me light headed, loosing all of my blood from me. The hands all over my body trail the blood to where it's going.

I feel tongues all over me now, all of them licking and sucking my blood away.

Now I'm the one who starts to decay. They all suck the life out of me, the color growing back into their faces, becoming alive again.

I slowly close my eyes. I deserve this.


A sudden jolt wakes me up. I open my eyes frantically to be treated with Black looking down on me. He gives a small smile.

"Your nose is bleeding," He says wiping my cupid's bow and lips to get the blood off.

I quickly sit up which backfires and I fall back.
"You must be dizzy from all the blood you've lost," Black coo's.

"Once you feel better, I have something to show you," Black says with a devilish grin. I smile back at him.

I've been resting for about 5 minutes, and I feel better now. I slowly stand up, blink a couple of times, and walk over to Black. I hug him from behind and whisper that I'm ready for his surprise.

He turns around and pulls me into a hug, "I think you'll really like it," He smiles and pecks my lips. He seems a bit off but It's the first time I've seen him smile so much.

"Okay, are you ready to go?" He asks. "Go whereee?" I respond. Instead of telling me he rolls his eyes playfully and starts to head towards the latter. I guess we're going down.

I follow him, and times go's by in no time. We make it to the cafeteria after about 2 hours, taking a little longer than usual. He takes my hand and pulls me to the right hand side of the cafeteria.

"Close your eyes," He whisper leaning into my ear. I nod and do what he asks. I take his hand and squeeze it tighter, feeling a bit uneasy about closing my eyes.

We walk for what felt like another 20 minutes. He places his hands over my eyes to make sure I can't see at all.

"When I take my hands off, you can open your eyes," He says gently. I nod softly into his hands.

He takes his hands off of my eyes, and I open them.
Instantly my heart drops and my throat is gone. I can't breath. My eyes widen and all of my muscles go tight. Black wraps his arms around me from my back rocking me back and forth, and I can't push him away.

In the pile of decaying dead bodies, I see Red and White, with knifes through their skulls.

Ahhh! This book will be done by the next TWO chapters!!! Please comment and tell me what you think about today's chapter😋

ALSO I finished the Given Movie today and YALL- it's so good😩🙏🏼⁉️

I promise everything will be unraveled soon!! Vote and comment <3

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