Chapter 17

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This chapter will have a major TW, talking about abuse, self neglect, attempt of sexual assault, crude and bad language, and talks about daddy issues. Please do not read this and skip this chapter is if any of this triggers you. Please proceed with caution.

If things are italic it means past tense if you haven't caught on.

Yellow's POV
Purple has been ignoring me. Everyone has. I feel like I have this heavy weight on my head bringing me down. "Babyyy" I plead to Purple. I just want attention.

I put on my dress, it's thigh length but it's really cute. I really love it. It's silky and black. I'm black and caucasian so it looks perfect on my skin tone. I put on black fishnets on and platform doc martens. My makeup is white, white eye liner, white mascara. I'm heading out to go see a guy for a date. I'm so excited.

I walk down stairs to show my mom, only to see my dad. "You fucking slut," He barks at me. I sigh used to his language. I start to walk away until he grabs my arm.

"You herd me you little cunt? You will never find a husband like this," He yells at me regarding my outfit, squeezing my arm. I wince in pain but I can't ask him to stop. If I do he will do it harder and hit me. "Mom," I cry out. His face heats up with anger slapping his hand across my face.

I am crying now, hard. I sink down into the floor hearing my fathers muffled laughter. He kicks me multiple times hard into the floor. "You are disgusting," He barks. He stoops away leaving me on the hard floor. My mom rushes in with a scared look.

"I'm sorry baby," My mom says crying. God I can't stand her. She can't stand up for me or herself. "Why are you still with him," I say disguised at her. She shakes her head frowning. I already know the answer. It's for the money. She is scared of leaving him too, the reaction that he might have terrifies me.

I take a deep breath, swatting her hand away from me. I dust myself off and head out the door. "You look pretty darling," My mom croaks as I walk out. I wipe up my tears and try to fix my makeup.


We are meeting up at a cafe. On the dating website it said he was 18 so that means he is only a year older. His name was Kaleb. I also made sure to look at his backpack his family is very wealthy. Through texting he looks like a great guy, a gentleman. It's what I need right now.

"Hot mamas!" an old man yells from across the street. I look over to him and start barking uncontrollably making him uncomfortable and looking away. God I hate men.

I keep walking, the same situation happening over and over. My voice gets tired of barking so I end up not responding to them pissing them off.

I get to the cafe and it looks really cozy. From the outside you can tell there are many plants inside, and bohemian tapestries everywhere. I walk into the shop looking around for Kaleb. I take out my phone and text him.

Where are you? I'm here <\3

Skylar! I'm in the middle, close to the back :)

I put my phone away and wonder to the back. I see a bright smile that belongs to Kaleb. At the table there is already a coffee. Oh.

"I already got you a coffee, Is that okay?" He asks. I nod. We talk for a while and he is really sweet. "Hey is your arm okay?" He asks me looking at the yellow-purple bruise, taking my arm and I flinch. He looks up to me apologetically and I smile back at him. "I fell on my way here, I'm a bit clumsy," I say laughing it off. He laughs with me but can tell there is something wrong with me.


We finish our coffee's. He pays and we walk out. "I parked out behind the shop, want me to drive you back home?" He asks with a big smile. I nod and he takes my hand, and I flinch. Again. He looks back at me with the same sad look as before and I laugh again.

We walk to the back area of the shop where only employees can park. "Can't employees only park here?" I ask him. "It's fine, my car is nice and I didn't want anyone talking anything from it," He says. That's a little obnoxious.

He walks over to the car and opens the door for me. I sit in and he walks around to come back in. He stares at me for a bit with a smile. Not a genuine one though.

He grabs his keys from his pocket and 'try's' to start his car. "Aww shucks, this isn't starting up!" He says in the fakest tone ever. He looks over to me and puts his hand in between my thighs. "Could you help me?" He asks with a devilish tone. I'm feeling very uncomfortable right now.

He leans to his side of the car and clicks the lock button. Oh god no. "Please Kaleb... Don't," I say. He tilts his head confused. "Darling I'm rich, handsome, and... Rich. I can pay you," He says. What the hell? Then he suddenly takes me onto his lap.

I start punching him but it's no use. He takes my hands and stops me. I start to cry again. "Aww bay don't cry, It won't be as fun," He says. He crashes his lips forcing onto me. Once his tongue is in my mouth I start to give up hope.

Not today satan. I bite down as hard as I can onto his tongue Making him cry out in pain and I jab his gut with my phone. I unlock the car and start to run. Run anywhere, anywhere away from him.

Im in shock. Im scared. As I'm running home I think about how much I don't want to go back. How scared I am every day for myself. How deceiving people could be. Kaleb. I thought he was a good guy.

When I get home I run upstairs. I turn on the news to get my mind off of things. The first thing that pops up is a man. Not him. I've seen him everywhere, last year he got back from the space mission and he is very popular and praised amount the world.

How long was he gone? Like 5 months? This gives me an idea. I'm going on the mission. I'm leaving this hell.

This was harder for me to write. I'm really sorry if I've triggered anyone or made anyone uncomfortable, It's just the sad truth about Yellow.

Lightening the mood, I can't believe I've written 17 chapters already!! It's been crazy :)

Thank you for reading! Vote and comment <3

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