Chapter 15

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"The hell?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I tilt my head back to see Red and White.

Shit! Black let's go of me and I jump off of the table. Black quickly puts his helmet back on and straightens himself up. After I get situated I look back to Red and White.

Red just looks sad and White is holding back tears. Since when did I have such an impact on people? Red tilts his head like he was confused and trying to figure me out. White isn't looking at me and now a couple of tears have spilled her eyes. It hurts so much to see her like this, I never wanted to hurt her.

I take a deep breath not knowing what to say. "I finished all of my tasks," Red says with a monotone. I give a small nod. I guess it's just me and the others who have to finish tasks. I can't look at White. I don't deserve to.

White's POV
Red is really getting on my nerves. He keeps asking for thank-you's and to appreciate him because he helped me finish my tasks, but I helped him finish too so in your face bitch.

We play around for a little. We get through Weapons and I'm actually getting really used to Skeld and the map. I've been getting around faster and I know where I'm going.

The lights go a little dim, I don't know who controls these but they just do. I am still aware of my surroundings and I can see pretty clearly. "Wanna get some ice cream as a celebration that we finished," Red says giving me a nudge and winking.
I say yes, but the ice cream here is nasty. It's in a metal bag and it feels like eating cornstarch chunks but like in a sweet way. It just makes me uncomfortable.

As we step into the large cafeteria I see a shadow. We walk closer and I can see two now, on top of each other giggling and panting. I did not need to witness this today. I'm guessing it's Purple and Yellow, we have all seen it coming.

I can physically feel Red eye rolling and bothered that they are doing this on a table that we eat on. It doesn't really bother me because I've done it on tables and it's completely fine and lots of fun.

We grab two baggies of cornstarch-ice cream from the food storage area. "Wanna go sneak up on the love birds," Red says with a devilish grin. He is my soulmate. We take quiet steps holding in our laughter. God I miss earth so bad. The drugs were worth it though purrr.

As we get closer I notice that It's not Purple. This man has floppy black hair and hella piercings. Red halts, and we stop playing around. We walk over and see them. "Moan like a good girl for me," Black says in Pink's ear.

Son of a bitch! God I wanna fucking kill him, maybe her too. Did she forget about me? Why would she lead me on like this. My legs turn into jelly and I can't stand. I feel my heart shatter in a second.

"The hell?" Red says. The jump off of each other. I look over to him with tears spilling down my face. He likes her too. We all fell for Pink. But Black got her. He got the only person who I thought got me and cared about me.

I wasted all of my fucking time. Black didn't even give two shits when Pink was injured. I was the one there for her, not him. Making sure she was safe, fed, comfortable, everything. I told her everything. I trusted her. But all she did was take my trust and rip it up into small pieces right in front of me. I feel like an idiot.

I look back up to Red and see that he is hurt too. He had a keen for her well from the start.

My eyes won't stop. I can't keep my emotions in so everyone always knows how I'm feeling. And it's fucking embarrassing. I inch my way back, slowly leaving. "White please," Pink says pleadingly. She is so fake, she gets on her knees. No.

I make a run for it, sprinting my way out of this mess. I don't want to see anyone. I get to the entrance and jumping into the vent closing it tight. Complete darkness. I crawl as fast as I can. "White please!" I hear the echo through the vent.

I get as far as I can, silence in the vents tells me that Pink didn't come after me. I take out my phone to see where I am. Communications. I guess the vents are a really effective way to travel.

When everything is silent including my breathing, I curl into a ball. Fuck I think I loved her. I just want to get hit till I'm numb. I want to be numb. Thinking about her shiny brown eyes and golden brown hair hurts.

I thought we were going to get out of here together. I actually had some dreams about us, what would happen when we get out. I would get to know her in person and we would one day get married in the forest in a small cottage. Live off the grid, like fairies. The stars would be glowing just for us.

Now I want her to die. I'm going to fucking kill her.

Love is a bitch~

woah I didn't know White was a lil koo-koo😀🤚

I have decided not to do any chapters in Black's POV for a while or else it will give away a lot of my plot, sorry :(

Should I go more in depth with Blue, Cyan, Purple, and Yellow? I think it would be fun;) anyways vote and comment, see ya soon!

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