Chapter 24

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"She killed Yellow. And Purple." Red spits out. My chest tightens, I didn't kill them. But I cant tell them. I'm in too much of a fragile state to do anything right now, god are they going to kill me?

"Let's not jump to conclusions-" Black says. "Who else was here then?? Are you implying that you killed them both Black?" White interrupts.

"You're all psychos. White and I were together the whole time, and why is Pink up so early huh?" Red says. He isn't his usual self, his voice is filled with disgust.

"Pink. Why are you up so early," Black says in a calm manner crouching down to the ground to see me. I force my mouth open but my mouth is dry. My throat closes off and tears are rolling down my face.

Black hasn't talked to me for what felt like forever. His voice is cracking, I thought he didn't want to talk to me? He looks down to me and his eyes are watery like mine. "You didn't kill them, did you?" Black says heartbroken. Shivers run up my legs through my spine.

He cups my face and now he is playing with my lips. "Please, tell me the truth." His eyes grow darker with the tears streaming down.

"Just fucking kill her. She's a traitor," White talks down to me. Her foot lifts up like it was about to kick my face. "Hey," Red grabs White's shoulder to stop her.

My body feels lifeless. I cant deny that I didn't kill them, maybe I did? Maybe they were right, why would I be up so early? There is no one to cover for me. Maybe I'm a fucking murderer.

I killed them in cold blood. And that's why I'm so lifeless. I can't move because of the shock from what I just did. Those words feed into my brain making the now think that I'm a killer. That I did all of this.

I slowly close my eyes. If I'm going to die, why not right now. Black sits me up right and cradles me. I could hear his hiccups, the muffled crying from his face buried into my neck.

His tears soaking my suit and his hair in my face. My neck limps back like a baby who doesn't have any neck support.

I'm hearing all of this happen, seeing all of this happen but I can't do anything about it. This was a sign. A sign that I should be gone, that I'm no longer needed in this journey.

"Pink I don't give a flying fuck if you killed them or not. I just need you to tell the truth for the rest of our safety. Did you kill him?" Black says crying into my shoulder. He lifts his face from my shoulder, looking at me with pleading puffy eyes.

I push my body to its limit. I shake my head with tears rolling down my cheeks falling into his lap. He takes me into his arms squeezing me tight. "She didn't fucking do it."

"She shaked her head, we don't have any other proof." White laughs hysterically. "You have been with Pink the whole time since the beginning. Both of you have, do you really think she would be dumb enough to kill them both?" Black says. White and Red stay silent.

We are all on the same page right now. We needed someone to blame, and it was me. But who actually killed them?


I hope that I made sure you knew that Pink was very powerless in this situation. After her breakdown she was in shock so please don't call her weak, she was trying her best after the state she was in.

Tbh I got really emotional this chapter for some stupid reason but anyways thanks for being here with me! Sadly this book will end soon but I have some other things planned after it.

See you soon💓

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