Chapter 12

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How in the hell did we get here.

Three days later
Pink's POV
I can't focus. I can't sleep. I can't do anything. We have no clue who did this to Green. His body lays by Orange's.

It hit Black the hardest. They were close from the start, talking on the space craft and staying together the whole time. White is dead on the inside. I haven't herd her talk in days. Black, White, Red and I traveled in utter silence.

I have 7 more tasks to finish, thanks to Black. We are hand in hand, White to my left and Black to my right, and Red is holding White's other hand. We can't take any chances. Blue, Cyan, Yellow, and Purple are traveling together now.

My eyes are puffy from crying and I'm tired from no sleep. None of us could sleep. It's scary knowing someone is out there, and it could be someone I trust. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I have an easy time trusting people. Right now I look strong and that I'm pushing through, but on the inside I'm breaking into tiny pieces.

I look at the others, Black is looking at the ground, White is looking up, and Red is looking at me. He looks blank and depressed looking at me for an answer. I haven't been with Red in a while, we were close at first but I almost forgot about him. I break our eye contact and look forward.

I can't even bother knowing where we are at this point. The lights are darker than usual, not completely off but just enough to see everything. The silence is filled with our heavy breathing. I finally stop walk after a while and everyone stops with me. I sit myself on the ground looking at the others from below.

One by one they all sit down and we form a small circle. Black to my right, Red to my left, and White sitting across me. We take each other's hands again looking at one another. "Green was sweet," I say. My voice is strained from not talking and crying. "Green was calm," Red says. "Green was dramatic," White says with her strained voice and a chuckle. "Green was our friend," Black says.

And he was. Death is confusing to me. I don't get it. I knew Green for over three weeks and I feel like he is still here, I feel like he is somewhere confused and freaking out about something. Maybe zoned out about something. We have all grown a small bond on here, keeping each other alive. But we couldn't keep Green alive.

I want to punch myself in my face. I want to suffer for what had happened to Green. It was my fault. We all had a part in this. Eyes watery again I feel a small squeeze in my hand. Black's helmet is faced towards me holding my hand tighter. I feel my cheeks get wet.

He takes his other hand that used to be connected to White and wiped my tears. He kept his hand on my cheek for a while rubbing it reassuring me. I should be doing this to him. Green was his friend too.

Black looks away and I see White staring at the gesture Black was giving me. She gives me a sad pity smile and I don't know why. She looks away sad.

We sit her for a bit, and I take this time to lean my head on Black's shoulder. White leans on his other one and Red leans against me. I close my eyes.


It's 10:56 PM. We are in cafeteria sitting at a table eating. Black on the other hand is facing away from us, but we decide to respect him and try not to look at his face. It's been hours since we have talked. Every time I take a breath I can feel my eyes getting wet but I choke it back.

None of us are looking at one another. "Guys we need sleep," I say. Everyone turns their attention at me. "We haven't slept in days. We can't function like this," I continue. I hear Red take a deep breath. He nods and takes White's hand. I was planning to share a vent with her but I'm with Black again.

I stand up and so does he, putting his hand on my lower back leading us to a vent. I'm guessing we're going to the same one in Weapons.

I was right, we are back in Weapons and Black is opening the vent. Like last time, I jump in and he does too right after me. I place my helmet by the opening and crawl farther into the vent. We get situated but this time instead of facing opposite we are facing each other.

Our body's press together from the crampy vent. With all my pride I put my hands against his chest and he lays his arms out so we can both use it as a pillow. This sure doesn't beat sleeping in my bed at Medbay. It's completely dark from the vent closing and I hear Black's helmet coming off.

Thank god he took it off. It was really bulky and uncomfortable for the both of us. Now my head is nuzzled into the crook of his neck and he head is on top on mine. We don't say anything.

All I wanted was you~


Uh not me crying writing this because for some reason I was emotionally attached to Green-

Also Wattpad is glitching and it's not letting me respond to comments :((

I'll try to type more tomorrow, thank you for putting up with my bs </3

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