Chapter 6

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"Go to Admin dammit!" Purple yells at us.

Before I knew Black, Green and Red were gone. The harsh red lights are still blinking making me dizzy. I take out my phone and look at the map. I'm in Weapons, so it would take me about two hours if I ran to Admin.

Maybe the boys would get there first. "What should we do," White says coughing. "Put on your helmet," I tell her. She's losing air. She quickly puts it on, Yellow holding onto her to keep her standing.

Cyan is standing far away from us looking scared. What am I supposed to do? "Guys we have to figure something out, White is having a hard time breathing," Yellow says shaking. If we lost White that would be two people down because of lack of oxygen.

This time I start shaking. I can't have White's life on my conscience. I quickly walk over to White who was sitting down; I sat beside her. "The boys are going to fix this, okay? Here," I grab by backpack with my air cannons and open them. I connect both of our backpacks filling her tanks with air. This should help her.

After a minute of filling her tank I close both of them. White puts her hand on her chest and breathes steady. "W-wait now y-you're going to lose air," Cyan says walking to us. "It's not that much, I'll be fine," I say sweetly to her, hopefully she's not too worried.

But she was right. The oxygen I gave to White could've lasted me at least another week. God why do I have to be so nice. White crawls on top of me and gives me a hug. She is inhaling lots of air, probably out of shock from what happened. "Thank you for saving me Pink," She says with a quivering voice. "It's nothing," I say. She better not take off her helmet anymore.

Yellow stopped shaking, and I lift up White off of me. "We should go see Purple," Yellow suggested. "Yellow and Cyan can go to Purple. I'm going with Pink to Admin," White says. The girls agree, I guess I'm headed to Admin.


At this point I was used to the red blinking lights. White and I were halfway down the cafeteria, White insisting we hold hands. Earlier an announcement said that we have four hours till air cuts out, so I think that the boys can figure it out by then.

"At first I thought you were an attention whore," White says. "Why?" I ask. I'm not mad, she's just sharing her opinion I guess. "You had three boys traveling with you, and you slept with Black in the vents," she says. "True," I say chuckling and nudging her.

White giggles and talks about her opinions on everyone. She thinks Black is hot in like a vampire way. Red is a sweet stoner guy, Green is too polite, and Purple has two opposite personality's. Cyan is sweet but too shy, and Yellow is obsessed over Purple. She is scared of Blue.

She told me she used to dance, she was on her way to be a pre-professional. In Swan Lake she fell out of a Grand Jeté on pointe, messed up her foot and broke her back. She can't dance anymore so she teaches. It was sad really.

"How did you end up here?" I ask. Everyone has their own reasons. "Underage drinking and lots of weed. I'm only 19 so I got into a lot of trouble," She says laughing. "You?" She asks. "A purpose in life," I say. I'm not too quiet on my attempts.

"You know if we make it out alive we get treated like royals," She says. It's true, Even if you're here for your punishment, if you make it back alive everyone looks up to you as a hero. I wonder why Purple came for a second time?


We make it into the hallways, not too far from Admin. I'm a little light headed from walking and I can't get water or I'm wasting air. I've been lost in my thoughts for a while and White seems to have noticed.

What time is it? I take out my phone, noticing it's around 4:37 pm. Maybe I'm just hungry. White is swaying our hand back and forth, giving me a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, you good?" White asks me and we stop. "Yeah, of course," I nod.

We get to Admin, and I see the boys. There is a huge tablet in front of them, worried looks on their face. We rush over, "What's wrong?" White asks. "It's a code or something, I can't figure it out," Green says frustrated.

I walk over and see a game. This shouldn't be too hard. I move to the middle and look down, looking at it.

Question 1.
What is the meaning of a butterfly coming to you?

What? These are just ordinary questions. I type in;

It means a lost family member is looking after you.


I continue filling out  maybe 30-ish questions about things that could happen in after life, I took a class about this two summers ago. I get them all correct and everyone is stunned. The lights stop blinking;

Oxygen Depletion fixed.

Everyone exhales deeply and I could tell White was smiling big. She runs over and gives me a hug, "How did you know this stuff?" Black says to me. "I took a course on this in school, it was really interesting," I say. "I never knew you were this smart," Red says pushing me and chuckling. "Thank you Pink. We can clear this up, go sit down," Black says.

I walk to the opposite side of the room at the end of the table. Closing my eyes, I feel relaxed. Today was a really long day. I curl up into a ball and rest my head on the table. Inhale, Exhale.

I hear the four talking quietly, mostly Red and White. I'm really glad I got to know White today, she is a lot more interesting than I thought. I think about the butterfly question a bit more. I've never had a butterfly come to me, only moths and caterpillars.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my back. "PIN-"
Everything goes black.

I found love where it wasn't supposed to be, right in front of me, talk some sense to me~

Okay so I maybe put this song in for like Black.... How he feels about a person...

Make sure to listen to the songs that are put in because it helps set the mood and you can guess which songs are for each character yk ;)

Anyways thank you for coming this far into my story, I love you🥰

vote and comment, it makes me really happy😼👍

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