Chapter 23

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TW: panic attack/and or anxiety attack, self harm.
Please proceed with caution.

Something about today doesn't feel right, I can feel it in my guts. I finally reach the bottom.

Breath in. Breath out. Somehow I find my breathing unstable and shaky. I brush it off, nothing can go wrong. Everyone is sleeping, it's quiet, and the cameras aren't on. Black didn't move last night because he was in the same position and I could hear White and Red talking till I fell asleep. I'm going to be okay.

I continue my way to the cafeteria. I'm guessing I went through the right hallway, It's still pretty dark and there are three that I could've gone out of. I keep heading straight forward and I was right. I passed admin.


Going head forward into cafeteria I silence my footsteps. My breathing is now quiet and I am invisible in the dark. The only thing you could hear now is the sounds of the engines, the squeaks of the air pumping in and out. No one could possibly be awake.

I'm so used to this sound early in the morning that it has become peaceful to me. I sit down at the nearest table and rest my head. Now that I think of it, I haven't taken time for myself at all. I've only been worrying about the others safety and not mine.

I'm not doing any of this right. I'm supposed to be surviving independently. Have the others been relying on me? Am I working too hard to keep the others alive? The longer this cycle of no deaths, and peace is going to drive us all insane. We would be here forever, rotting together.

I can now feel the suffocation of it all. I lose track of my breathing and my chest feels heavy. I feel sharp knifes stabbing at me and I'm losing control of myself. My hands are shaking and I can't see straight. I try blinking repetitively but it only makes it worse. What is happening to me?

My legs give up and now my whole body is limp and not under my control. God no. I have to stay strong. Stay strong, stay strong, stay strong, stay strong, stay strong. Those two words keep repeating in my head and I can't stop. Tears are falling out of my eyes without my control.

Glass. I hear glass shattering. I jump and look around hoping I'm not going insane. Instead it's everywhere. Broken glass is falling onto me, and I'm in a glass box. I'm standing on broken glass, there is only broken glass. I'm so fucking light headed, and again I can't see straight.

I scream. It's all I can do. I look down at my hands that now have deep cuts from glass. My arms are shattering to the ground. I'm broken glass.


I jolt awake. I think I passed out from the stress of all of it. The lights are now on and there is more noise. I can hear footsteps. I cant completely see yet, my eyes are blurred and puffy. I take sharp breaths in and sharp breaths out. My hands have cuts from my nails pressing into my hands from earlier, trying to stop it all. My hands sting.

My body feels weak and I can't see who is walking to me. "Pink," I hear muffled yells. "Pink!" My body is too weak to look over.

I am getting shakes awake but I can't get up. "Pink are you okay?" I recognize the voice. It's White. "Be easy on her White, at least she's alive." Another voice said. "God she scared the hell out of me," I hear a deeper voice say.

"Her breathing is off, it's slower guys." White says. "Is-anyone,..dead.." I manage to make out. My body is regaining its strength slowly but surely. I open my eyes more and it's less blurry so I can make out who is who by the color of the suits.

"You bitch!" Red yells at me and pushes me off of the table. "What the fuck Red?" I hear White yell at Red for pushing me. I can't get up from the ground so I stay on the floor, lifeless. "She killed Yellow. And Purple." Red spits out.

See I would try and make an excuse for not updating but in reality I finished the show Banana Fish, got my school work done, and was reading lots of manhwa... ANYWAYS I recommend watching Banana Fish if you want a good cry :)

The song that I put at the top, Him and Hym, was from one of my favorite scenes in Banana Fish. The show broke my heart.

Also I'm very sorry If I triggered anyone. I was speaking from some personal experience and how I felt with lots of pressure like Pink, with the glass and all.

Please vote, it helps get my story around for more people to read :) Thank you for being patient with me! I'll see you next chapter <3

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