Chapter 14

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*warning! Some uhhh 'sexual content' ahead? This is the only time I will be putting a warning in this story :)*

He cups my face in his hands, and lays his lips on mine.

I stumble back a little surprised and Black faced away from me. Oh god I feel so embarrassed. He is taking deep breaths and I feel so bad now. It just caught me by surprise.

Instead of walking away, I walk in front of him. Doing the same action he did, I take his face into my hands and pull him to my face. He steps closer putting his arms around my back with me leaning into his arms.

We start off with light pecks, feeling our lips on each other. Gradually the kiss gets stronger. He opens his eyes looking down at our lips and back up to my eyes asking me if it's okay to put his tongue in my mouth. I nod and he closes his eyes and so do I.

He slips his tongue in my mouth and they dance together. I slide my hands down, lacing them behind his neck. We are breathing heavy, and I accidentally let out small moans. It's been a while since I've done this with someone.

He slides his hands from my back to my waist, pulling me closer. I wrap my legs around his waist and I feel his lips curve to a smile. It must be really hard for him, my space suit is really heavy. He doesn't seem too bothered though, he keeps pulling our chests closer and closer.

He sets me down on a table in the cafeteria and my legs are still wrapped around his torso. I can feel both of our smiles as we have no distance between us. I push myself against him hearing his breath hitch. After this 'dominant' act I feel in charge.

He takes that feeling of charge away from me when he takes both of my hands in his and holds them besides me. "No touching baby," He says pulling away from me with a smirk. I tried getting out of his hold but I couldn't move.

I guess he wants to play it this way. I don't respond, instead leaning forward just enough for our lips to be brushing each other. "I really want you," I try saying in my most seductive voice. He inhales sharply and looks away from me. I chuckle and bring my lips back to his.

Our lips collide for a slight minute, and till he pulls away. He leans back in but this time to my jaw. he leaves wet kisses my jaw, taking his other hand brushing the side of my face lightly. His light touches make me have butterflies in my stomach.

He starts going lower, from the back of my each to the end on my neck where my space suit starts. My hands are still on the table, clenching tightly at the edges of it. I know that if I touch him he will stop. And god I don't want him to stop.

"You taste sweet," He says. Licking the bottom of my neck, he gives me a love bite then starts sucking my neck. At first it is very faint but it becomes more intense. My body is shaking a little from all the teasing and I cry out a small moan.

He takes the hand that was stroking my face and wraps it around my neck. He doesn't go around my windpipe, he chokes my blood vessels so I feel slightly euphoric and light headed. But in a really, really good way.

He looks back at me. "Is this okay?" He asks. "Yes," I say. He continues and pushes his lips into mine kissing me sloppy now. His hold on my neck tightens the slightest bit making me choke out another moan.

He is very pleased with reactions to his doings. "moan like a good girl," he says. I think the butterflies in my stomach went a little um... lower. He pushes the back of my neck making me lye down. He climbs up on top of me and I wrap my legs around him again.

He takes both of my hands pinning them above my head with only one of his hands, brushing my hair out of my face. He looks down at me looking deep into my eyes, smiling. He goes back down to my lips again, biting and tugging them. I grind my hips against his, feeling him. He bites down on my lips harder.

"Can-I... Go, lower?" He asks between kisses and bites. I nod. "I need an answer baby," He says lifting up and giving direct eye contact. "Yes," I say trying not to blush the hell off. He kisses my cheek.

"The hell?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I tilts my head back, seeing White and Red.

Maybe I just wanna be yours~

I'm kinda pressed that White and Red interrupted like bruh I was getting into it🙄I know they didn't get to uhm... other stuff yet, they *probably* will soon!!


I think I'm going to upload every other day? Also thank you so much for 300 reads! I love all of you💗

Please vote and comment! See you next chapter ;)

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