Chapter 21

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Sexual content ahead, I felt like I needed to put a warning because every other time I did there was little to no content. Also I would like to mention that this chapter includes degradation and questionable things, I'm very sorry if that kind of stuff Isn't your cup of tea.

"I need a bigger canvas," He said. Slowly I turned around moving my hair to one side. He zipped down my space suit showing my bare skin. The coldness of the ship hits my skin making me shiver.

He takes his big hands and starts brushing all over my bare back. Instead of trying to pay attention to what he was drawing I sat and admired his gentleness. He kissed up my spine making my back arch slightly. The silence spoke so loud. All I could hear was our light breathing in sync and the far distant sound of the engines. I never imagined myself here.

He leaned closely into my ear. "What did I draw, Pink," He said with his lips brushing my ear with every word. I sharply inhale not knowing what to say and feeling embarrassed. A small feeling of pressure heats my cheeks and now I'm beet red. I hear Black chuckle, noticing how much I'm flustering.

Instead of responding I tilt my head back slightly and peck at his lips. With my lips on his I feel his head shake. "Let me lead darling," he says into my mouth. I look at him straight into the eyes and he tilts his head with a smirk.

I blink and keep my eyes closed with a smile that makes me look like a five year old and face back forward. I feel his hands place in my waist and he pulls me back into him quickly. His long arms wrap around me and my knees are propped up against his.

I feel his hot breath at the top of my neck right below my ear. He presses his lips onto my hot skin. We stay like this for a moment. He squeezes my legs with his knees closer together. He pulls back from the top of my neck slightly keeping his bottom lip still on my skin and drags is slowly down my neck.

My breathing hitches naturally making me a deeper shade of red. "Darling if this makes you squirm how would you be able to stay quiet. We don't want everyone knowing that you're my little whore," He says with a deep voice. I feel butterflies where they should not be.

Suddenly I feel one of his hands wrap around my neck squeezing my veins so I can still breath but feel euphoric. "Tell me anytime when you want me to stop. Please," He says. "Okay," I squeak out.

He quickly pecks my cheek and I know there is still a softie in there. I bend my neck back so my head is wresting on one of his shoulders. I start breathing heavier because now his other hand is on my back. His warm hands going slower to the front of my body. I've always been self conscious of the size of my breasts, I'm a B cup so I don't fill in too much.

His hand cups my breast massaging it making me squirm even more. "You're perfect," He says noticing my uncomfortable face. My mouth is now completely open breathing heavy. "Can I see you?" He asks. I nod and he lets me go for a brief second so I could take off the top of my suit. We get back into the position we were in before but his neck hold is even harder.

"All the things I wanna do to you. I've thought about it so much," He says with a whiny voice. My pussy is wet and I feel embarrassed. God I haven't even done anything for him. His hand goes from my breast down to my stomach. It stays there for a while, he is drawing circles and lines with his middle finger.

My breathing has quickened and I can't see straight. His hands go lower... and lower... and, lower. My breathing is now verbalized. I grasp onto his hair with one of my hands pulling gently. "Don't be greedy darling," He said.

His hand stays by my pubic bones outlining the outside of me. Every time he touches me I feel a spark down there and in my heart. It's stupid I know. His head is facing towards my ear and he is panting with me. He goes lower.

His middle finger is now brushing up and down my folds. I can't keep it in and now I'm moaning softly. His finger finds my clit and rubs it causing sparks to fly through my body. He goes faster making me want to scream. Then he stops. And goes lower.

"You feel so soft and wet for me," He says with his fingers at my opening. I'm going to faint from adrenaline rush, he's been teasing me for almost an hour now starting with the 'game'.

"Are we still playing the game?" He asks. Can he read my mind? "Cause if we are-" he says slipping his middle finger in me making me gasp out of pleasure. "Then it might be a little hard to play right now," He says.

His finger slides in and out of me slowly, teasing me. His big cheeky smile was pressed up against my cheek from all of my loud moans. "Baby we don't want everyone alive to know how much of a slut you are," He says pumping his finger faster. "B-black," I says but he interrupts me quickly sliding another finger in. "Shit," I let out.

"You have to quiet down love," He lets go of my neck and sticks his finger in my mouth. Trying to substitute from moaning I suck on his finger. "Good girl," He says pecking me cheek.

He curls his fingers in me faster and faster. "Black I'm going to-" I say with a muffled voice but he sticks his fingers farther into my mouth shutting me up. "Don't cum yet love," He says with his fingers going slower.

We could be doing this for hours depending on how much Black wants to tease me. My breathing has slowed and I'm more calm now and his finger pace is very slow and steady. Right when I thought I was calm he slams his fingers in me and goes even harder than before. "C-can I now?" I ask out of desperation.

"Beg me," He says. This is so embarrassing, but I really want to. "P-please. I need this," I say. My hopes of him letting me off die in a hole, He doesn't respond. "Please daddy," I say. That seemed to hit the right button because he looks over to me finally. "Okay," he says into my ear. "Fucking hell!" I yell. I reach my climax and my legs and jittering and shaking.

He takes his fingers out and puts them into his mouth. "Gotta clean it up somewhere, right?" He says with a wink. He zips my suit back up and we both help our gloves on for each other.

"Thank you," I say quietly. He smiles. "I'm sorry I didn't get to do anything for you," I say with a frown. "Seeing you submissive towards me was enough," He says pulling me into his embrace.

I put a spell on you, because you're mine~

I am internally dying on the inside🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨💨
My english teacher would be disappointed💔

This chapter took 3 freaking hours to write and I can only write it at night or I would be to shy to write it during the day so like I'm super tired :))

Okay uhh first time writing smut lol please don't be hard on me :') ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 400 READS🥰

Okay let's completely forget about this chapter! Vote and comment and I'll see you soon loves <33

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