Chapter 9

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I start feeling light kisses on my neck. Oh we're doing this now. "Is this okay?" He says. It feels so comforting and nice. I nod. "I need you to speak words baby," they tell me. "Yes," I make out. The kisses keep trailing up and down my neck. Some of them were more wet, and others were gentle and quick. Both of his hands are on my shoulders.

I haven't had any intimate touch since high school when I lost my virginity to my ex. He said it was a bad fuck and broke up with me. He had a small dick anyways.

The kisses trail to my cheek, and he flipped me over to the other side without touching my back. This man was strong. He placed light kisses on my lips, and his hands start roaming all over my body. He pushes himself closer to me. His tongue makes his way into my mouth and we are making out now. My leg goes over his trying to push us even closer.

He stopped making out with me, placed a tiny kiss on my lips and pulled the covers over us. It was really nice, I'm glad it didn't lead anywhere. It could cause problems and leverage issues. Who was this though? It had to be Purple, Red, Black, or Green. The lights were pitch black so there was no way I could see him. I quit thinking about it because my eyes grew too tired and I fell asleep.


I wake up hugging onto a pillow. My back is feeling a bit better, since I stayed in the same position last night. My mind trails back to him. There was literally no point in guessing because I have no clues. I am left alone in Medbay.

After a while of just sitting here useless, I see a helmet peek over at the entrance of the room. It's White. A smile grows on my face because she is the first person I've seen in a while. "Hey babe," She says walking towards me. She sits at the front of the bed taking off her helmet. She has got to stop doing that.

She gives me a kiss on the top of my head in my hair, and cups my face in her hands. "Are you feeling better?" She asks. "My body feels sore, what happened to me," I ask. I still don't know what happened to my back.

"Aww baby you were stabbed. We haven't figured who did it yet but we are staying in pairs to keep an eye on each other," She says. I was stabbed? "How did you treat my wound?" I ask. "God I hope you weren't going to ask that. Can you tell me what to do and I'll clean it up?" She asks. I nod and she sits me up.

She tells me that she put ointment and a whole lot of bandages on my back. I can't stop laughing even if it hurts, bandages? I tell her what to do step my step and after she finished I feel fresh.

"Should I sew your suit back up?" She suggested. I nod again, and she takes the chunks that are cut up and dried with blood and starts sewing. She stabbed me with the needle a couple of times too, when she did I could hear her cursing herself off. "Hey what are these bruises on my cheeks?" I ask. It hurts to talk too.

"Oh shit. Someone had to keep you awake," She responds. I don't really get what she is saying but I go along with it, at least I'm still alive. She fed me the food she set out for me two days ago, it was stain but I'm not complaining.

"You should be able to walk in a week. Red, Black, and I have decided that we switch out watching you at night and making sure you don't get hurt. Purple volunteered to help do some of your tasks," She tells me. I really wanna get up and finish what I have to do, but I physically can't.

I thank her and she persuades herself to stay, but I obliged because the sooner we all get our tasks done, the sooner we leave. She gives me a tight hug, hurting me a little but I don't care. She kisses my cheek and leaves.

I guess I'm all by myself now. I can walk, very slow but I can walk. I get to cleaning up the blood on the floor, from the entrance to my duvet. I hang the duvet on a bed post letting it dry. I gather the cleaning supplies, sterilize them and put them back where they belong.

I also put things in different places so it will be easier to access. I really contemplate flopping on the bed but I know it will hurt like hell. Instead, I take the now dried duvet and make the bed. The duvet is not stained pastel pink but it adds more life into the room so Im glad.

I get back in bed, desperate to get better.

Home is wherever I'm with you~


I know I keep saying this but I had a really long day but I still wanted to get something out :))

oou but that kiss in the begging thoooooo👀

anyways please vote and comment for clear skin💅

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