Chapter 27

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Please listen to the song above on a quiet volume reading this chapter, or you can listen to it on Spotify. It's called Flowers by In Love With a Ghost.

In the pile of decaying dead bodies, I see Red and White, with knifes through their skulls.

My breathing speeds up. What the fuck? Is everyone dead? Who killed them?

"Did you," I screech out. I feel his head nod against my head and he gave me a kiss in the crook of my neck.

Without thinking my body starts running the opposite way. I need time to think. Black did this? He seemed so proud, like I was going to thank him?

I hear footsteps running behind me and I know it's Black. He's the only one left here. I speed up.

There are no tears running down my face. Only fear. It floods my body, canceling anything and everything out. "PINK!" I hear Black repetitively call for me chasing after me.

I'm so close to the door. I can get out of the cafeteria, I can run and hide from him. The door is in reach and I grasp for it.

Suddenly all of the doors slam shut. I run into the door without thinking. I blink multiple times, why is this happening?

"Please don't run my love." Black says and he catches me into his arms. I try to strangle out of his arms but he doesn't budge. I continue to struggle.

"Why the fuck did you kill them Black," I say disgustingly spitting the words at him. "Please stop struggling. I'll tell you everything, just listen," He says patting the back of my head pulling me closer.

"I did it for us," He says stuttering. "I want to go back with you. Just us, remember how there can only be one survivor? It's going to be us," He says frantically.

I'm still canceling out his words. That isn't a valid reason, they could've helped us. Even if he 'did it for us' , only one of us can go back. I'm slowly suffocating in his arms.

"W-who else did you kill," I ask. "All of them." he states. He was the murderer? The imposter among all of us?

"I fell in love with you when I first saw you on the space craft. I knew I was the murder among us, so I was going to do everything to keep you safe," He says quietly. I shake my head. "Im in love with you," He counters from my nod in dissatisfaction.

"First it was orange. I herd her on the space craft, she told some of the others she was planning on sacrificing you. I wouldn't let that happen, so I killed her,"

"Green. I kind of liked him you see. But when I was walking around at night, I saw him going to Med Bay, where you were staying at when you got stabbed. I thought he was going to hurt you so I followed. Turns out he was trying to have sex with you. So I killed him through the vent." (Reference to chapter 8-9, if you forgot).

"And Cyan was the one who stabbed you. Her face was so sweet but inside she wanted everyone dead, even if it was against the rules since she wasn't the murderer."

I stop struggling. My dream from earlier, they all wanted me dead. And Green? He was just there.

"I killed Blue, Yellow, and Purple because they were in the way. They wanted us dead, to get out. Imagine what Purple had to go through before, he was the murderer just like me."

"What about Red and White. They were good to us." I say.

"They were going to try and kill us one day or another. I just sped up the process, so we can leave together." Black says holding me as tight as possible.

Fuck I'm trapped. He's a psycho, and he's going to kill me next. There is no way in hell that I can defend myself.

"If you think I'm going to kill you you're wrong. We are going down to earth together, my love." I nod, stalling and thinking of a way to get out of this.

SHIT I GOT IT! The knife in my pocket, I still have it right (Reference to chapter 2)? I move my hand slowly to my pocket and reach my hand in. I feel a prick on my finger knowing it's still there. My body fills with relief.

"Let's go back and pack up, yeah? We can leave after that," He says. He lets go and that's when I do it. I swiftly take the knife out and head right for his stomach. My body crashed into his, and the knife went through him.

"Pink?" He questioned wincing in pain. "Don't even. You're dead to me." I say twisting the knife in his gut. I take the knife out so he can bleed out faster.

He keeps trying to stop the blood, but it keeps coming. I stand in front of him, while he lays on the floor whining.

"Don't do this Pink," Was the last I herd from him.


I take a breath to realize what I have done. I just attempted to killed the man I thought I was in love with.

From here on I have won. I won this game, but it doesn't feel right. Everywhere is dead silent, and you can hear the rummaging of the engines, the quiet hum of the spacecraft trying to keep afloat.

The silence was broken by Black, still trying to hold onto dear life. I could care less about him.

What happens when I get down? No one really knows that I killed someone. I think back to Purple, did he have to kill everyone? Everyone thought he was a hero for keeping the spacecraft up in the air.
He must have felt heavy inside, and the guilt ate him up inside so he came here to help us.

When I get back I will have fame, money, anything and everything I want. But is it worth it? It's probably the guilt coming from the government. They must know that they could only bring back one person due to money, so they must have wanted to pity the winner. Try to pity me.

After a while, Black's whining stopped.

I pull Black to the pile of bodies. I reach over for White's hand, it being still warm. I take her hand and kiss it, with a tear falling from my face. The life we could've had. I knew deep down she loved me and I loved her, but Black was distracting me from that.

I take a deep breath and walk over to the doors that everyone walked through in the beginning. My body feels heavy. The doors gush open, and I put my space helmet on.

A small ship was connected to this big aircraft and I walked into it. The air pressure doors slammed behind me and I take my helmet off.

I look over to the left and there was a small girl with clothes in her hand.

"Pink! Welcome. I volunteered to come here and accompany you down to Earth. You're so cool," She says with a big smile. I must look like a mess.

I head to the bathroom and take a steaming hot shower then change, feeling slightly refreshed.

I sit by the girl. She starts to talk and I see the smile grow on her face again when I looked down to her.
I can't hear what she's saying, I space out into my own little world.

Aliyah Brookeheart, you've won. Everyone is dead.

"A hero would sacrifice you for the world, but a villain would sacrifice the world for you."

^^ quote reminded me of Black i'm crying :')

                          The End of Among Us.

I hope you enjoyed my story :) I definitely want to write more when I have time!!!

I want to thank all of you who've stuck around during this story, you all have a special place in my heart <3

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