Chapter 5

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Black is pointing at a gun, that Blue has in his pocket.

My head is rested into Blacks chest since he won't let go of my mouth. I think he can tell that I see the gun now, me being shaking/scared and all.

Green walks over and takes Red's hand and we all back out slowly. Once we run down the halls for a bit we slow down. I set on my helmet again. What if Blue saw us on security coming in? Would we be dead?

"Blue might've killed Orange," I saw breaking the silence filled with heavy breathing. "No, he didn't. Someone took Orange's helmet while the air was shut down, we probably didn't see that the air was out because the lights were off. Orange wasn't shot, her air was gone," Red states to me. I nod feeling a bit stupid for making that assumption.


Purplexx: Hey guys, I'm here with Cyan, White, and Yellow. Are you guys doing okay?

Pinkie Pie💫: Yuh. I'm with Red, Black and Green.

blue😀: I was just with them, I've been in security.

"He saw us," Green says with a shaky voice. He saw us. We all sprint down the halls, Red falling behind.

Pinkie Pie💫: prulep wya

I quickly type still running.

Purplexx: Lower engine, you can come join us T-T

Shit. He's close to Security. "Guys the rest of them are in lower engine how do we get there." I make out. We all need to stick together because I really wanna make it out alive now. I wanna live.

Green shakes his head. "Too far. We can't go back that way," He says in a depressing tone. What do we do? "C-can we stay in Medbay?" Red calls out from behind us. "It works if the lights stay on," Black states. We nod and keep running towards Medbay.

After running for what felt like forever, all four of us pile into Medbay. I lay on one of the beds tired and sweaty. "Hey why don't we just sleep on these beds at night," I ask. I sit up at the edge of one bed.

"Easier to kill I guess, the killers can shut off the air or something then we all die. Safer if we stay in vents," Green tells me. Green and Black are by the doors and Red is playing with some medicine in the corner.

We all silently agree that we will be staying here until the lights go out, someone dies, or it's time to sleep. It's actually really peaceful. The room is chilly in a nice way. Like one of those mornings in primary school in October, with the crispy cool air. My mind wanders to memories from my childhood.

To be honest I was a pretty bad kid. My dad loved me and I would kiss up to him, and I would steal. A lot. I remember this one time I was over at a friends from kindergarten and I took their iPad. We haven't talked since and I remember in middle school through high school I was scared she would tell someone. I stole a lot. And got away with it. I have this heavy feeling in my head every time I think of it and I hate it. I hate that I did it.

"You good Pink," Red asks wrapping his arms around me. I look over at Green And Black seeing them both tense up a bit. I look straight at Red's helmet and nod. I like being in his embrace. After he lets go I fall back into the bed, arms sprawled and calm breathing.


I open my eyes to realize that I have slept for quite a long time, Green, Black and Red are all sitting on one bed talking about something. When I try to get up I see that someone put the light white duvet over me and I smile. Instead of getting up I pretend to sleep and try to hear what the three of them are saying.

"What should we do~" "We need to stay ali~" "Someone wake pinkie u~" I hear them whispering.
I hear footsteps coming closer so I tuck myself in more so I can stay comfy. It's probably going to be a while till I'm in a bed again.

The duvet is torn off of me and I look up. Black is throwing the duvet on another bed and pulls me up. "We need to get moving, we decided that we are going through the cafeteria to Weapons," He says. He lets go of my arm and I adjust my suit. We all start walking with Black and Green leading us. I walk over to Red.

"Thanks for tucking me in," I say with a wink even if he can't see me. "Oh that wasn't me, it was Black. He didn't want to disturb you so we talked quietly so you could sleep," Red tells me. Black looks back at us, tilted his head and then looked back forward.

It was Black... oh. I'll thank him later in the vents I guess. Or will he be sleeping with me in the vents? What if I want Black to be there with me. Or will I go with red. Or maybe one of the girls? Why am I getting so worked up about this? I shake the thoughts out of my head and keep following Black and Green.


After hours of more walking, we get to Weapons. I sit in a chair in the middle of the room and the boys lounge around. "Hey there strangers," Cyan says walking up to us. "What are you doing here?" I ask but in a way that she knows I'm happy to see her. "Oh Purple figured you guys would come here and wait for us so we came and waited for you," Yellow says. I see Purple waving at us from the other side of the big room.

"I'm really glad we all met up-" I was saying then flashes of red lights came on.

"Oxygen Depletion In o2" I hear and the phrase keeps repeating. Purple jumps up and starts running. "Go to Admin dammit!" He yells at us.

And here it is, our final night alive, And as the earth runs to the ground, Oh girl it's you that I lie with~

AHHH! Sorry if I get any saying or something wrong like I didn't know if it is oxygen depletion or something else... please don't be mad :)

Sorry it took me lil bit to update, I was playing Among us ;)

Anyways vote comment and happy spooky season👻

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