Chapter 11

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She Isn't White anymore, she's red, holding Green. Crying.

White's POV
I feel so bad, I'm late to go see Pink. I scheduled out that I would see her every evening around 5:30 and every morning around 7. It's now 7:45 PM. Green keeps dragging me around asking to go to one of his tasks, then another, then another.

We ended up going to four more rooms than what we planned making me walk more and late. I've been debating wether or not to text Pink, I don't want everyone to know she is alone.

"Hey White?" Green says after being silent for hours.
"Yeah?" I respond. "I don't know how to tell you this but I like Pink," He says. I nod, at this point we all do. "So I kinda did this thing with her a while ago, to see if she feels the same way," He continues. "What did you do?" I ask. "I made out with her. She gave me her consent and she seemed kind of into it," He says.

"Woah no shit?" I say. He nods proudly. To be honest I'm really fucking jealous. I haven't made any progress with Pink so far, I feel like she sees me as a sister or something. I try to stay close to her whenever I'm around her but she can't take a damn hint.

"Do you think she might like me?" He asks desperately. "Did she see that it was you?" I ask him. "Not quite, the lights were off and I changed my voice," He says. This idiot- "She probably doesn't know it was you who did it then," I state. He sighs in defeat and the conversation ends.

We get to Electric and I have some tasks here so it works out. I get by the wires seeing sparks flying. "You have to really pay attention to the tone of the color, some of them look the same," He tells me. I took my helmet off to look at it closer, he was right. There were different shades of blue that looked the same all over.

After I carefully put the wires together Green tells me he needs my help to pull down a lever to boost the energy in communications. The lever was behind the huge power box and looked buff. So I did what any rational person would do and climbed up on the box and jumped on the lever. It worked.

Green chokes and coughs looking a little confused how I did that. I give him a pat on the shoulder and walk past him heading my way out of security.
Green says he wants to go to one last room, Lower Engine so that he can fill up the gas tanks. He said if I came with him he would walk with me to Medbay. It's kind of scary at night to walk around so I agree.

We get down the hallways to the Engine. The lights are flickering, making me a little more nervous about this time. It's now 10:29 PM, I really hope Pink locked the doors and is asleep right now.

After more than two more hours of walking down the endless hallway, I smell gas. Green dashes over and starts pumping it out, he has to pump three tanks and tomorrow he's going to empty the tanks in storage. He goes behind the engine to fill out how much more he needs on the panel so I just sit against the other side of the engine.

Suddenly I hear a big bang, it was the sound of a vent. Did this little shit dip out on me? I run around to see the opposite. Instead of Green not being here, he was lying on the floor with a pool of blood by him. Oh god.

I rush over to him to see if he is breathing. I don't hear anything so I'm pumping up and down on his chest. My tears start rolling down my cheeks and falling onto his corpse. It's no use anymore. My eyes are blurry from my tears. I crawl over to him picking up and holding him in my arms, whispering apologizes into his ear.

I took off his helmet. His face was so lifeless. I hold him tighter, crying louder and falling into oblivion. I can't handle death. It's too scary. I hold his face in my hands looking into his eyes. I've never seen Green's face before but his eyes were blue. His skin was dark and his eyes were like the ocean. I sit him up into my arms and hug him. If I was there watching him he wouldn't have been here. It's all my fault.

I hear a noise from the other side of the room, oh god they've come to finish me off. Instead of seeing a killer, I see Pink. Looking terrified and watching her heart break. No no no. She can't do this I'm already in too much pain. She rushes at me and sits on the floor hugging Green and me tight. "I swear I didn't do this," I say still crying. "I know you didn't. You wouldn't," She says.

I let go of Green and so does she. She wraps her arms around me holding me in her embrace. We have blood all ourselves and a dead body laying by us. How in the hell did we get here.

How I imagine Pink and Whites hug^^

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How I imagine Pink and Whites hug^^

I will be releasing longer chapters tomorrow since it's the weekend :)

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