Chapter 25

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Who actually killed them?


I wake up with a blanket covering my face. Slowly I pull it down. A gush of relief flew through me because I see myself in my bed in storage. I notice that my head is laying on Black's thighs and I look up at his face.

"You passed out, I carried you back. Red and White and checking the security camera's." He says playing with my hair. I want to be mad but I can't.

Even after we had our moment together he ignored me, but he was the only one who stood up for me back in cafeteria.

"How long," I creak out. My voice is still cracking and I'm probably sick. "You've been sleeping for a week, Pink." Black tells me with a fluffy voice. I smile and nod, closing my eyes. "Do they still hate me," I ask.

I think back to the beginning, I have lost the consept of time but I'm guessing 3 months ago. When I was scared and Red was there with me. When I wanted to end it all for me.

Red was the first one who trusted me. He took care of me with his carefree off-ish personality. Then there was White.

I didn't really like her at first. But when she was dying it reminded me of myself.
All the love she gave me, how she took care of me~
She's been by my side.

"They never hated you. They're just scared of this, we all are. It was one of us four who killed Yellow and Purple. And it sure as hell wasn't us." Black says still caressing my hair. The thought of it sickened me. I trust Black, White and Red with my life, I have been trusting them.

Black was telling it as it is though. We have to be careful.

"Is your body okay? The last time I saw you awake you couldn't move."

I take my hand and cup his cheek letting him know I'm fine. He sighs with a smile. He has such big mood swings, two weeks ago before Yellow and Purple died he didn't want to be around me. Speaking of I need to ask him,

"I wasn't avoiding you. I was just," He hesitates. I see his cheeks turn rose and he looks away. "embarrassed." He says quietly. I couldn't help but to burst out laughing. His face grows mad but I can't help it. I'm cackling my ass off.

"Enough, enough. I was scared you didn't want anything to do with me," He says with his cheeks getting a deeper red color.

"Don't be. I thought you were disgusted by me," I sigh shifting my body so I could lay on my side. After I got comfortable on my side I suddenly get yanked up into his arms.

"You're so beautiful to me. Don't think that way."

Now my cheeks are red and I have a dumb expression on my face.

"Let me protect you. Don't trust anyone but me, I don't want to see you hurt." Black whispers in my ear. He hugs me tighter.

I'm literally crying last time I updated I barely had 1k and now I have 2k i- i love all of you <33

It's been exactly a month since my last update I know, but excited to say I finally have my motivation back! Among Us will be over within the next 3-5 chapters :')

It's going to get interesting! Also side note I'm in love with Black rn😏

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