Chapter 19

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"I need you to understand it was for all of our safety."

We stay silent. Purple has no smile, he is not looking and anyone, and he is shaking. He looks scared.
"Can we promise not to go wild? Let things go normally," He croaks out. We all nod, desperate for what is is going to say. We trust him, he has done this before.

"Only one of us..." He continues. His mouth goes dry and he is shaking even harder, looking panicked. Yellow reassures him giving me eye contact. She looks scared too. Black looks empty. He took off his helmet with the rest of us and I know he must be panicky inside for we have seen his face. Cyan andBlue are holding onto each other, I guess they are close now. Red is sitting with White now.

"Can make it out of here," He spits out. My jaw drops and everyone else's does too. What the hell?? Was he the only one that made it back last time??? Thinking harder I think of all of the survivors coming here. The survivors, there was only one each time. My head feels dizzy and I want to vomit.

Why wasn't this on the terms and conditions for coming here? I didn't come here for a death wish, I wanted a reason to live. I'm going to die. Black is breathing harder and Yellow pushes off of Purple out of disgust Im guessing. Cyan's eyes fall. Blue hold her tighter. White is finally looking at me. She gives a forced smile and looks at Red. Huh.

I was really expecting us to go rampaging which Im guessing Purple thought the same thing too. Instead we sit in silence.


We sit here in silence for 7 hours. 7 hours. Finally White moves and she walks over to me. "We need to fucking forget what happened. It was in the past. We need to stay alive," She whispers. Red walks over to us too. We all formed into a small group, adding Black even though he is still out of it. Purple looks frantically at me. So does Yellow. And Cyan with Blue. What?

"You're a fucking target, darling," Red whispers at me. "Why?" I ask. "You have us, even if we aren't getting along you have us. You are the heart of this alliance. They probably want to kill you," He says devilishly. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. They all stare daggers into my eyes. I'm the most protected one here.

I see Blue slowly pulling out his gun. Shite. Oh god I swear a lot when I'm nervous. "Hell no," White says taking my arm. I pull Black with me and White grabs Red with her other arm. We get running, heading loud bangs. "Don't fucking shoot!" I hear Purple yell from behind us. I know that he didn't want any more killings than we did. This changes everything.

I don't know who to trust. I don't know if White is just trying to kill me. All of the others despise me and I don't know how Black feels about all of this. We continue running until we are in storage with all of the units. This was probably the best bet in hiding, there were so many thick tall shelves. Big boxes and other supplies we might need and if we hide well enough no one could kill. Unless they had a gun. Fuck.

"Aww baby are you scared?" White says. She is still mad at me, taking it out on me in a really bitchy way. She has the right to be though. I know that Red and White and maybe even Black are sticking with me for their own personal benefit. "We aren't fucking playing anymore, White," Black grumbles after staying quiet for the longest time. She gives him an eye roll and I could basically feel the hatered.

We climb on each 'floor' of the shelves until we get high enough. I look down completely forgetting I have a fear of heights. I go dizzy again and focus back onto what we have on this floor. It was supplied with many, many boxes of gauze, pillows, and that shitty 'ice cream' sandwiches in bags.

It's not too bad though, we could get good sleep with the pillows and we have supplies for injuries and food. Each floor of the shelves are the size of a pretty big room, they remind me of the warehouses in ikea. We all go to a corner collecting supplies to carry for emergency's and for our own comfort. I sigh and grab one too many pillows. I have always hated sleeping alone, it makes me feel empty and depressed.

As I grab the many pillows Black stops me and take some from me. "You could just ask me to hold you," He whispers. I know that Black, White and Red know I like being comforted and I love touch. I give him a smirk and get some ice cream. It's really late at night now but we have better things to do than sleep.
Black walks over to my area and he lays out the pillows in a small couch shaped form, sitting down and I sit on his lap. I see White's eye rolling again but I know I'm the one being insensitive. But I need this right now.

"To being killed off, one by one," Red says sarcastically as we eat the ice cream. There has to be some of us who will be willing to kill others to get out of here. I'm going to stay in for as long as possible, and let the others kill.

I take a deep breath leaning into Black more. My head feels heavy and I feel under pressure. Red notices my uncomfortable looks and gives me a smile that has 'you can rot in hell' written all over it.


We talk about some strategies we can use and self defense. I get a ping from my phone and the others do too.

I killed Cyan. She's by the other bodies, you're next loves ;)

Let the killing begin.

We'll be a fine line~

The song didn't fit the chapter but I really needed reassurance writing it. Side note my friend is getting me the Harry Styles Vogue magazine and I'm very excited😼

For the next month, since some holidays are coming up (if you celebrate some or not), I will not be updating too often. I'm super duper sorry, school has been a lot. Thank you for all the support, love you💗

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