Chapter 18

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Pink's POV
I chase after White until she goes into the vent. "White come back, please," I say with a strained voice. I should've never betrayed her like that. I continually blink to try stopping my tears.

Big arms wrap around me, Black's arms. I look back at him. I don't know if I should be upset or sorry for him. He let his guard down today and look what it's gotten him. A crying pathetic girl chasing after someone else.

The thoughts in my head get interrupted by Red. "We should get going," He says in a monotone. I know he is upset at me too. He keeps taking deep breaths and not making eye contact. I know what he is thinking. No matter what happens, we all want to get out of here alive.

I stand up, Black standing up with me, and he places his arm around my shoulder. I know he is trying to comfort me but the only thing that could make me feel better is me knowing White is safe.


My hair is a mess and my eyes are tired and puffy.  Red, Black and I slept in Medbay taking turns watching out for each other. I tuck my hair into my suit and put on my helmet to cover the mess that is myself. I can barely keep my eyes open.

I sit up and Red is staring at me. His head is tilted and he is completely still. He shakes his head in disappointment and walks away. I don't have anyone left. Except for Black.

I sigh understanding what I've done and sit up. "Are you feeling better," Black asks. I nod without trying to look at him. He doesn't look over to me, I guess he might be mad at me too? I really wanna leave right now. I have no more tasks left, we are done. I finished them late last night. I just need updates with the other 4. We all need to finish our tasks then we are out of here, from my understanding of what Purple told me.

I look over to the other two as we walk out in the hallway, the opposite way to cafeteria. They aren't looking at each other and we are all dead silent.

I take out my phone to check if there are any new messages. One new message.

Hey. We need to talk soon.

He seems a bit serious. I leave him on read because I don't know how to respond. I'll tell the boys this evening, we can all meet up. If we all meet up I can see White too. I tuck my phone back into one of the various pockets of my suit.

We don't have any tasks left amongst the three of us so we have been walking pointlessly for about an hour now. If I walked with my eyes closed and I just listened, I would know where we would be on the map.

We have all been here for maybe 7 weeks now. I haven't had a calendar or counted the days. but it's been long. Two weeks ago White said she did some math and that it was 5 weeks here so naturally you would guess now it's 7 weeks. It feels like too long.

I could feel something wrapping around my hand. Black's hand? He gives me a small squeeze with no words. I want to talk to him about yesterday. I don't want him to think I'm a 'oh we kissed you can't be with anyone else' kind of person. But I don't want him to think I don't care. All of these thoughts are making me dizzy. My face is heating up, I'm so glad I have my helmet on.

I start blinking more prominently so my eyes will stay wet, I lost a lot of tears yesterday. I don't normally cry. Like when I got stabbed in the back, I didn't cry. I don't feel emotional pain too much anymore, it's all become kind of numb. But it's normal.

I take a deep breath in and out trying to take weight off of me. "What was on your phone earlier. You looked a little surprised," Red says. "Purple wants us to meet up," I quickly respond. "We should get going to cafeteria then," Black says.

Pinkie Pie💫:
We are headed to cafe rn, we should talk.

Got it. See you soon, we have White with us.


"They are all headed there now. We should be there in two hours if we walk fast," I tell them.


We walk into cafeteria from the opening close to Admin. I see that the other five are waiting for us. I take my hand out of Black's and he looks over to me but I don't look back. We get over to the table and White is sitting down in between Yellow and Cyan. She doesn't look at me.

We sit down and I take off my helmet revealing my puffy eyes. Purple inhales deeply and looks straight at me.

"I've been hiding something from you guys. I need you to understand it was for all of our safety."

Why'd you only ever call me when you're high~


Fun fact, I write these chapters late at night and publish them without thinking so in the morning I completely forget what I wrote and I have to read it back so it doesn't look like crap🌝

I hope you all are doing good in times like these! Vote and comment <3

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