I Lost her too!

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Pitcture of Dylan on the side

"Dylan wake up!" My sister, Alex yells as she shakes me rapidly. "Dylan it's our first day of school! C'mon, I know you don't want to go but c'mon, wake up for me. For Kendall, she wouldn't want you to give up living."

As I heard Kendall's name I shoot up, "I asked you to NEVER mention her again! I just want to forget about her!"

"You know Dylan, I lost her too! It wasn't only you and everybody in this family has been stepping around your feeling because you're too depressed! We've lived in Tulsa for the whole summer and you haven't went out once! You are gonna rot in your stupid room because you're never gonna get over it Dyan! Face it, she's gone! Face it, you lost her! We all did, we all are all still in mourning too but, look it we're living our life! It's what Kendall would want us to do, so give it up Dyaln! If you're gonna be like this I'm gonna stop trying! You've officially lost me too! You've lost everything and it's all your fault! This wouldn't of happened if you would of gotten over the fact that she's dead! She's not coming back Dylan! Get the hell over it! Wake up it's over!" She yells loudly before storming out of my room.

I sit on my bed and scream as I throw my stuffed white dog named, snowball at the wall. As my screams end I drag myself out of bed and start to get ready for the first time since Kendall's death. I hop into the shower and take a nice long hot shower. Getting lost in my thoughts. I can't believe she just said that to me but, for as much as it hurts me she's right. I just feel like I've lost everything. I've lost so much and I can't bear it. I've lost my twin sister and all of my friends in Jersey. I lost my boyfriend, Noah. I can't take it but, she's right I have to move on.I can't stop living, I have to focus on the good.

I hope out of the shower and get dressed into a loose fitting wine colored dress with a crop top black leather jacket, a black belt, and black flats, showing off my height of 5' 3''. I curl my pin straight light brown with natural blonde and red highlights hair. With my hair curled it falls right under my boobs. I look in the mirror and smile at my appearence. I sling my black purse over my shoulder and walk out the front door bumping into my mom. "Dyl! You're up!"

"Hey mom, and yes I am. Alex talked some scence into me," I chuckle. "I mean it still hurts but, I have to live my life it's what Kendall would want. It's just hard saying goodbye to my other half, my twin, my best friend, my everything."

"I know sweetie, I know. I remember the time they told us you were a twin, we already had Dylan Rose Jueggers picked out, your dad chose your name. I chose Kendall Ann Jueggers, I loved those names and so did your dad."

"Well, I gotta go meet some people in Tulsa. Would you mind if I don't go to school today? I want to get to know Tulsa."

"Anything honey but, tomorrow off to school with the rest of your siblings."

"Thanks mom! How's Rylee doing?"

"She's doing fine, I know you haven't really talked to your sibling since the accident. I love you Dylan. Are you eating with us?"

"Yea," I stop and smile a little letting out a happy giggle before continuing. "Yea I think so. Bye mom." I smile as I walk out into the streets of Tulsa. I walk around the small town trying to meet a kid around my age, but nothing until I walk into the DX. I look around until I spot a boy, a really hot boy with movie star good looks. I walk over to him, "hey my name is Dylan and I'm new here. I don't know many people so I was wondering if I could talk to you, it's kind of lonely. My sibling are at school but, my mom told me I didn't have to go today."

"Oh hi Dylan, my name is Sodapop. My younger brother is at school he's thirteen. How old are your siblings?" He asks .

"Rylee is thirteen and Alex is seventeen. I'm fifteen. I guess my parens likes the number two and unisex names....sorry that was a bad joke."

"No! It wasn't, I just didn't get is but, now I do. Alex, Rylee and Dylan are all unisex names. Thirteen fiffteen and seventeen are all two years apart. I was just confused," he argues back trying to make me smile.

I smile weakly at his attempt to make me feel better, "so Sodapop, how 'bout your sibling what are their names and ages? Well I know one is thirteen."

"Darry is twenty and Ponyboy is the thirteen year old."

"Sodapop. Ponyboy. Interesting names."

"Yea, my dad was a creative person, always giving us weird names. Even Darry, his real name is Darrel."

"I can tell," I giggle.

"You're laugh is cute."

"Thanks." I try not to, but I end up blushing at his compliment and start to wonder is he flirting with me?

"Want to meet my friend Steve?"

"Sure why not. I mean as I said I don't know people around here and I could use some friends. I miss my old friends."

"You should meet all my friends then. Wanna come over my house for dinner tonight?"

"I can't, I have to eat dinner with my family tonight. How 'bout tomorrow night? I could also hang out later tomorrow 'cause it'll be Friday."

"Okay Dylan works for me, I'll go get to Steve," he says as he walks out the door. I look around the shop as I sigh. Sodapop comes in with another hot guy. The other hot guy isn't nearly as cute as Soda but, still good. He also has a weird bird tattoo on his arm. I wonder why he got it. I look at Steve and smile politely as I say, "hi, my name is Dylan. I'm new in Tulsa."

"Hello Dylan, my name is Steve," he smiles.

"I know, Sodapop told me," I shrug.

"You can call me Soda if you want," Soda chimes in.

"Okay Soda, you can call my Dyl if you want. That's what everybody calls me Dyl. Same with you Steve, you can call me Dyl," I offer.

"Well Dyl, nice to meet you," he smiles before turning to Soda. "Is she coming to meet the gang tonight?"

"No tomorrow," Soda shrugs.

"Why tomorrow?" Steve asks him again.

"I don't know some family thing," Soda once again shrugs.

"Oh," Steve sighs.

"You two know you can just ask me. Right?" I chime into the conversation about me.

"Oh yea right. Sorry Dyl," Soda apolagises.

"No issue, I should be heading home, it's almost five and my sisters have probably been home for hours. Bye Soda. See ya Steve," I say as I walk.

"Bye Dyl," Steve calls back.

"See ya 'round Dyl," Soda shouts out to me the same time Steve does.


"Dylan! Oh my god, I can not believe your up and you look so pretty! I've missed you!" Alex beams as she wraps me in a tight hug.

"I know, I've missed you too! I'm so sorry Alex, you were right and I've been stupid! Thank you. I actually met two boys today," I smirk as I say the last line.

"No way! You met two boys, I haven't met any," she pouts. "Are they hot? What's their names? What are they like?"

"Extremely hot, especially Soda. Sodapop is one of their names but, I call him Soda and Steve is the other one. I don't know Soda seems nice and gentle. Steve seems polite and cocky. I like them, I'm going to Soda's for dinner tomorrow night. He has two brothers, Darry and Ponyboy."

"Ugh! I am so jealous. Way to go lil' sis'!"

"Thank you! Now where's my little scamp, Rylee?"

"In her room on the phone with some girl from Jersey."

"Oh typical Rylee," I laugh.

"I know but, I'm sure you're talk to her soon. Tell me more," she smiles. Alex and I spend the rest of the night talking about the boys. That is until Rylee came in and then we talked to her about school. I've missed my sisters. I love them!

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