Chapter 1

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Elentiya's POV

I hit the wall again. As I stood up, I groaned in pain and frustration.

"C'mon, 'Tiya! You can do this!" Cal shouted as I rubbed my cheek. I started circling my Uncle again.

His movements were steady and confident. I gritted my teeth as I raised my fists.

The rules were simple. No blades and no magic. 

"Is that all you got, Elentiya?" he taunted me.

"Oh, c'mon, Fenny! Scared of me, are you?" I shot back. He snarled at me and attacked.

I was ready this time. His fist shot past me as I sent a blow to his jaw.

He dodged. The leg coming for my stomach nearly caught me off guard, but I twisted away. I reengaged. 

My fist connecting with his shoulder. A snarl ripped through him. 

He caught the leg I aimed for his stomach, flipping me to the ground. I rolled sideways, and the fist that hit the ground where I had just been sent vibrations through me.

I jumped to my feet as he tried to punch me again. I tackled him, sending us rolling across the ring.

He pinned my arms. "Surrender?" he asked me.

I just grinned. "Never," I replied wickedly before I drove my knee into his stomach. Once, twice.

He released me in pain, and I escaped his hold.

The fight went on for a half-hour before a flash of light caught his attention. I used his momentary distraction to pin his arms and legs. I pressed my arm against his throat, slowly making the air leave his lungs.

"Surrender," he gasped. I reached out a hand, which he took, before pulling him up.

"Good fight," I said.

He smiled at me. "You don't hold back your punches," he muttered to me.

I snorted. "As if you do," I replied.

"Good job." He patted my back. Then Cal and Lyria engulfed me in a hug.

"Yes! I knew you could do it!" Lyria shouted happily. She was smiling brightly as a warm wind wrapped around me.

She was slightly taller than me now. Her golden hair was shoulder-length, and her pine-green eyes reminded me of the Oakwald forest.

She grimaced again. I automatically shielded us all as ice, fire and gale-force winds swept the area.

The small bubble surrounding Lyria as she kneeled was filled with her magic. I was pouring small amounts of my fire into keeping the storm contained.

Over the last three and a half months, she had been settling. A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered what it was like to settle.

Mine had lasted five months, Cal's had lasted six, my mother's had apparently lasted four months, and my father's had only lasted three.

Lyria had been kneeling in the circle for hours. Her magic continuously flowing from her as I poured mine into protecting everyone. Her screams finally started to grow fainter. Her magic slowly drew back inside of her. When, at last, the magic had vanished, I dropped my shield.

She groaned as she stood. I could do nothing as she collapsed. There was something different about her as she rose again. Her eyes seemed to fill with swaying trees, and I could sense her power keeping her upright.

A faint smile shone on her face as she threw magic around her, creating ice figures that moved like fluid water. Flames danced over her form as the winds whisked around the clearing.

I was about to throw a shield up again when I saw Cal give me a look. I looked over the scene again. Reconsidering what I had just assumed. The control was obvious as soon as you looked. 

I sucked in a breath, hardly daring to breathe in case this would all turn into a dream. 

She let out a laugh. No pain left in it. The pain and wildness, encompassing her for the last few months, was gone. That was it. The last bout that finished the reordering of our ageing process.

I let out a laugh of joy. My well had tripled in size during my settling. I could only wonder how much bigger hers was.

Aelin's POV

I couldn't help but smile at the feast. My two beautiful daughters were on either side of me. 

Rowan had grumbled a bit about it but relented when I told him that it was just for tonight.

I swept my gaze across the hall. I sat at the head of the table as I gazed down and saw my family. Lysandra and Aedion with Rhoe and Evangeline. I glanced at the Lochans: Lorcan, Elide, Cal, and Raine. Manon and Dorian with their twins: Gavin and Daniel. My gaze lingered on Yrene and Chaol's family. Their daughters, Josefin and Silvia, had both inherited mighty amounts of their mother's magic. I smiled at Rowan as he scowled at Fenrys, who was sitting beside Lyria.

I stood up and clinked my glass. I smiled at my family.

"We have good news today. My daughters, two amazing females that I couldn't be more proud of, have both hit incredible milestones today. Lyria finished settling today, after three and a half months." There were congrats shouted, and Fenrys offered her a soft smile, making her blush.

"Elentiya, after fifteen years, was finally able to best Fenrys in hand-to-hand combat!" Lyria patted Fenrys's shoulder while shouting congrats to her sister.

A servant filled up my empty glass with wine as I smiled in front of my friends.

"Yeah, Elentiya, Lyria!" came the shouts from all over the room.

"To my daughters!" I shouted as I raised my glass.

I went to take a sip of the wine before I halted.

Fenrys leaned behind Lyria as I sat and set my glass down.

"Why aren't you drinking?" he asked me. "You proposed the toast, after all."

I shook my head. I glanced around the room and noticed that everyone was either busy eating or talking loudly. I shot a quick glance at my daughters and Rowan. They, too, were preoccupied. I didn't want to steal the spotlight from my girls. They had worked hard for this.

So as I gazed at Fenrys, then swiftly averted my eyes, I casually placed a hand on my stomach.


My update schedule (hopefully) will be every Thursday.

Okay... so I've decided to start including the ages and birthdays of people at the ends of chapters.

Elentiya (May 1), 33

Lyria (September 9), 18

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