Chapter 5.2

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Two Gardeners were waiting quietly under the arch of leaves and bushes that marked the entrance. If the Gardeners knew who their illustrious guests were, they didn’t let on.

“How can we help you?” the obviously more senior of the two said.

With a sad expression on his face, Tiel said, “One of our friends has had an unfortunate accident out by the cliffs. We were wondering if any of you good woodland folk saw anything out of the ordinary by the cliffs earlier today.”

“Most of us spend our time in the camp here. We rarely have cause to leave but I will ask around for you,” the Gardener replied.

“Thank you,” Tiel said bowing his head slightly.

What he really wanted to do was shove a stick up the old man’s behind and tell the ponderous tree lover to gather everyone together and start demanding some answers. But sometimes discretion was the better part of valor. Besides, there were over thirty dryad affines living in this community and together they would be more than a match for Tiel and Alona, sparked or not.

The younger one spoke next, “Perhaps you would like to sit while you wait,” and gestured to a large wooden bench off to the side, located in the shade of a beautiful big old tree.

Tiel had no idea what kind of tree it was. If asked, he might have guessed it was an oak as he had heard they were quite big but he did as suggested and plonked himself down on the bench. He then patted the space next to him, inviting Alona to join him. She did so, trying to look relaxed but Tiel could see the small telltale signs. She was as nervous as hell.

Tiel smiled. Why did Alona’s discomfort make him feel so good?

They had been sitting on the big old bench for around a quarter of an hour, when an old lady appeared at the edge of the garden in which they sat. She was quite tall for a Forester and carried her head high. She stared without any hint of embarrassment at the two newcomers. Tiel felt an already tense Alona stiffen a little more. He’d been waiting for this.

Alona started to stand up but Tiel stopped her, holding her down by the wrist, “Remember what you are, Alona. We need information.”

Alona pulled her hand free with a jerk and turned to face Tiel, “There isn’t a minute goes by that I don’t remember what I am,” she hissed.

“Just checking,” Tiel said a small smile appearing on his face.

Alona’s expression didn’t change as she said, “Sometimes I hate you more than anything else in the world.”

Tiel cocked his head to the side and said, “Only sometimes?”

Alona let her gaze linger on Tiel for a moment longer before standing up and making her way over towards the woman looking at her. She tried her best to remain calm as she walked across the grass.

The woman just stood there, arms folded.

“Hello, Mother,” Alona said.

“So you decided to return,” the woman said.

“Sorry,” was all Alona could think of saying.

Alona had wanted to return home immediately after being given the dryad spark but she had been kept busy by her new employer and wasn’t given the chance. When she had eventually been given some time to herself, stories and rumours about what she had done were circulating around the land and she was ashamed to show her face here anymore. Gardeners were kind people, who used their power to help others. She killed people with hers.

It didn’t matter that it was her that had secured the future of the Gardens and the Old One. It didn’t matter that it was her continued fealty to the Duke that ensured no harm came to the Gardens or the people here. She was a murderer and the camp knew it. She would never really be welcome here.

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