Chapter 12.2

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Turning his attention to the Caver and the awed way she was looking at the spark, he knew it was calling to her. Wren slowly approached her holding the spark out in front of him. As he got closer, it started to glow more brightly and hum. Standing next to her, he held out the spark for her to take.

“I think it wants you,” Wren said.

The woman shook her head and pointed at Wren. “You killed the man. The spark is yours.”

Wren looked the Caver in the eye. “It doesn’t want me. It wants you.”

The woman knew this was true, but still said. “You killed the man, it is yours,”

“Don’t you want it?” Wren said questioningly.

“Of course, I do. But I didn’t kill the man. It is not mine.” With that she just walked away.

Wren sighed. This woman was becoming increasingly annoying. Wren then called after her, “What’s your name?”

The woman looked over her shoulder and said, “Quizi.”

“Well, Quizi,” Wren said, “I’ll just leave the spark here for the bandits.” He placed the spark down on the floor and started walking towards the body of the Forester.

Quizi looked in horror at the glowing orb lying on the forest floor.

Wren ignored her and started searching the Foresters body for anything useful. He found the two daggers the man had wielded so dangerously. He also found numerous other blades concealed about the bandits body but it was those first two daggers that took most of Wren’s attention. They appeared to be made of the same strange material as his earring. This would probably make them artifacts, he thought. He wondered for a second what they might do but dismissed the thought for another time.

He took the daggers and a couple of the other smaller regular metal blades he’d found and tucked them in his belt. He decided to leave the other remaining nine knives on the bandit.

Wren then checked carefully for anything else on the body that would be useful or helpful to his journey. To that end, he took the bandits purse, which contained quite a bit of coin and refashioned the bandits jacket into a bodywarmer, by ripping the arms off it so it kind of fit him.

Finally, Wren started digging a grave for the man. Quizi moved over to help. They weren’t able to dig very deep but they made a shallow hole and lowered the bandit into it. They then covered it as best they could with mud, stones and leaves.

When they had finished Wren turned and looked at Quizi.

She was still clearly distraught, unable to stop looking at the spark. “Don’t leave it,” she said.

Wren tried a different tack. He walked over to the spark and sat down next to it on the muddy ground. He gestured for Quizi to join him. She looked nervous but moved to the spot Wren had gestured to and squatted looking at him. Her ankle, seemingly a lot better.

Wren could see the poor woman was fully consumed by wanting the spark, but unwilling to go against her honour. She must have incredibly strong will, he thought, he had given in and taken his spark with barely a second’s hesitation.

“Quizi, where are you from?” Wren asked, drawing her attention away from the spark.

“Free clan. North.”

Wren thought for a moment. “If someone is saved by someone else in your clan, what do they do?”

Quizi wrinkled her brow but said, “They are in debt and should repay.”

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