Chapter 39.1

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Marsh had been alone with his thoughts for a good while. He was still trying to understand why the ruler of the world was sitting on the cold ground in a dank little cave in the middle of nowhere. But, faced with the same choices all over again, he knew he would do the same.

Knowing this, however, did little to improve his mood. It had been a week since his ignominious departure from Mabel Forest and he still felt put upon.

Eventually, he noticed some movement near the narrow entrance and Gel appeared with the small Forester called Gibson right behind him.

“Duke,” Gibson said while bowing low, “My Queen sends her apologies for the lack of hospitality, but wants me to assure you there is no other way.”

Marsh just sighed quietly. “OK. Let’s just get this done.”

Despite Marsh’s dour attitude, Gibson was feeling quite chipper. “Might I say you performed admirably in the first phase of the plan,” he said.

Marsh didn’t reply. He still wasn’t convinced he shouldn’t have just demanded to see the vaults the moment he arrived in the Forest.

Gibson looked slightly disappointed at Marsh’s lack of response but carried on all the same, “Might I ask you to do equally well now. Please, follow me carefully and quietly. Gel tells me you have the skill to see me in the dark.”

“Did he now?” Marsh replied glancing toward Gel. Gel however was looking in the other direction. The quiet Sneak was really becoming quite the chatterbox these days, Marsh thought.

Marsh followed Gibson overground for a while. They moved quickly but never left the cover of the bushes or tall spiky grass for long. Finally, they stopped at a fairly unremarkable piece of ground. Unremarkable, in the sense it looked identical to all the other pieces of ground around. However, when Gibson brushed aside the leaves and grass, it revealed a concealed trapdoor.

Gibson then led Marsh down into the darkness below. They walked for a long time in the underground tunnels. Twisting and turning as they made their way down a myriad of different passageways. Marsh had given up a long time trying to keep track of the way back. Without the Forester he would be completely lost and he couldn’t help but wonder when he had last been so vulnerable. Just the two of them. Him and Gel, underground in a hostile land surrounded by who knew what.

Gibson was stopping periodically seemingly disarming traps and rearming them as they passed. Marsh’s heightened senses picked up the location of some of them but was surprised to find Gibson stopping and doing something at places that gave no indication of anything abnormal. Gibson was humming softly to himself as he did all this. He seemed to have a strangely cheerful disposition for someone in his line of work.

Gibson finally stopped his humming and said, “We are now approaching the vaults.”

Marsh nodded.

Looking at Marsh, Gibson said, “There will be guards on duty so please try to be quiet from this point on.”

Marsh thought he was being very quiet already.

Gibson then turned to Gel. "If you could try to be quiet too that would be great.”

Gel tilted his head slightly and if Marsh wasn’t mistaken a small smile appeared on Gel’s lips. What was happening to the man, Marsh thought. Was he developing a sense of humour?

Gibson giggled quietly to himself.

As they made their way forward Marsh channeled a little energy into the artifact boots he wore. Suddenly his footsteps were as silent as his companions. Gibson noticed the change immediately and nodded his agreement with Marsh’s decision.

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