Chapter 19.2

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The next day Celie arrived at the city gates, around mid-afternoon. She had discovered by listening to various conversations on the way that the city was divided into numerous sections and that the Y’Kara mansion was located in the Harbour Quarter. Most of the other Houses were in the Central District around the Palace, which was actually the largest House of them all, House Dwain.

The Harbour Quarter was not typically known for its upmarket residences, the Y’Kara residence being the only exception. Celie quietly, and nonchalantly as she could, made her way along the wharf. At the far end was a big crenellated wall with guards visible on the top and a couple of huge Barbarians guarding the front gate, which looked almost as strong as the wall. She assumed this was what she was looking for.

The only buildings visible above the wall and gate were two tall towers that reached high into the sky. They were circular in shape and narrowed to points at the top. The rest of the compound must be quite low to the ground, as it couldn’t be seen from the wharf. Or maybe the walls were just very high. Either way, Celie looked at the two towers and mused at what their purpose might be. Probably nothing, she decided upon, just some rich lords whim.

Looking again at the walls, she had no idea how she was going to get inside, let alone fulfil her task. She was no Sneak, and even if she had this particular skill set, she doubted the task would be that much easier.

She turned right off the main wharf before she reached the gates. No need to draw more attention to herself than necessary. She knew the arena was in the centre of the city and decided to head there next.

At some point she figured Lerrick would have to leave the compound and make his way to the arena, maybe there would be an opportunity to strike while he was en route. It seemed a forlorn hope but she was determined to look at every possibility. She was confident an idea would come to her at some point, if she just looked at the problem long enough.

As she walked the sun began to go down and when she actually arrived outside the arena it was dark. The arena still, however, looked very impressive. A huge bowl facing up to the stars. The sides twisted and turned in a myriad of different directions as they reached up from the ground like tentacles.

The construction showed all the hallmarks of earth affines. The blending of different types of rocks together along with magic to create almost impossible curves. The rocks were various shades of grey but even at night Celie could see they had that unnatural sheen, not quite like marble, that made them impervious to weather damage and gave the whole structure an unreal feel. The feel of the Celestial. It was truly wonderful to behold.

She was walking down one of the tree lined paths that ran around the arena and had almost completed a lap, when a whispered voice said, “Just keep walking.”

Celie tensed and looked around.

A large sigh came from the trees to her side. “What part of ‘just keep walking’ is it difficult to understand?”

“Who’s talking?” Celie said, looking around for the source of the voice but seeing no-one.

“I expected better of a Forester but you are no better than these clumsy city folk,” the voice continued.

“Where are you?” Celie said loudly, still looking in all directions

There was another large sigh. “You truly are the most incompetent person I’ve met in a while.”

Celie wheeled around again, “Where are you, Sneak?” she shouted.

“Ahhhh. So you know what I am,” came the reply. With that a Forester walked out from behind a tree off to the side, he was not young but moved with a natural grace.

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