Chapter 23.1

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Wren and Quizi had continued on in the mountains for almost a week since the storm. They had long ago lost the trail they had entered the mountains on but had continued north as best they could and were definitely descending now.

They scrambled over rocks, slid down slopes, careful not to start an avalanche on top of themselves. The peaks still rose up in places around them but the air was easier to breathe and the snow was getting thinner on the ground. Looking ahead Wren guessed they were beginning to enter the foothills and was looking forward to being back on relatively flat ground.

With the terrain also improving, Wren could feel himself eager to stretch his legs. Quizi had compared him to a dog straining on the leash, which was actually pretty close to how he felt.

Noticing a small rise up ahead, he resisted the urge to run ahead and sprint to the top of it. Doing so would only confirm Quizi’s view of his canine tendencies.

About ten seconds later, however, Wren was very glad he didn’t. Because twenty or so huge figures rose up out of the top of the mound, silhouetted against the sky. To say they looked imposing, would be an understatement, they looked like giants risen from the ground. No doubt, the effect they wished to create.

The effect was then increased as a booming voice said, “Who enters Hun land?”

Quizi quickly grabbed Wren and whispered, “Show no weakness. They will kill you if you do.”

As loud as she could Quizi shouted, “I am Quizi of the Free. I wish to speak with the Hun elders.”

The booming voice laughed. “The Free are smaller than I remember.”

The hill echoed with booming laughter all around.

“Now, answer truthfully or die.”

Quizi raised her chin high and said loudly, “I speak true. You dare question the word of the Free. I demand pay.”

Quizi then stepped forward and snarled, looking directly at the leader.

Even from this distance Wren could see the surprise on the Hun faces. They clearly weren’t expecting that. Another Hun leaned over and whispered something in the leader’s ear.

The Lead Hun’s eyes narrowed, “It seems there is rumour of a Caver girl fighting for the Free these days. Is this you?”

“Yes. I am Quizi of the Free.”

The Hun looked at the curious little Caver, “I take back my words,” he said, “Do you still wish pay?” The leader didn’t look like he cared either way.

Quizi stared at him and said. “No. I remember nothing.”

“So be it,” said the leader.

He then turned his eyes to Wren. “And who is it that let’s a little girl speak for him?”

Wren had the distinct feeling this wasn’t going to go well, but in his most commanding voice, said, “I’m Wren. Wren of the Gardens.”

Sensing what might happen next, Quizi cut in. “I have a blood oath to the Krill. If any try to harm him they will have to kill me first.”

She said it with such confidence and authority, it was difficult to believe she was facing down twenty Barbarians.

The lead Hun showed even greater surprise at this than before. But he soon narrowed his eyes again and stared at Wren. “The skinny one has the look of weakness to me. No man hides behind the words of others.”

Turning to Quizi he added, “I will escort you to speak with our Chief but the weakling does not take one step into our land. If he does, he will die.”

Quizi snarled and stared at the leader.

“Those are my terms. Accept them or die,” the big Hun said, seemingly not tolerating any alternative.

Wren could feel the tension in the air growing significantly. “We accept.” he said, trying to ease the pressure. “I will just wait over there by the rocks.” Pointing back the way he came.

He then whispered quietly to Quizi, “You can get the answers we need just as well as me.”

Quizi stared at him and hissed. “Next time keep your mouth shut, fool. It was a test. And you failed. You are such a fool,” the look of contempt on her face, quite clear.

She then turned to the Barbarians and walked towards the leader holding up her daggers pommel first. The big Barbarian took them and said, “Follow.”

But as he walked past his second, he said, “Lind, stay here. If the weakling tries to follow, or steps foot in our land. Kill him.”

Wren flinched. Lind smiled a big broad smile.

Wren looked along the line of Barbarians. All were staring at him as if he was pathetic, Quizi included. Lind, in particular, had a disdainful look of disgust on his face.

Wren shrugged his shoulders and started walking over to the rocks he had pointed to earlier. When he got there, he slumped down and thought to himself, none of the Barbarians would have been able to survive what he had just survived. What right did they have to call him weak? Their warped idea of strength being all about how willing you were to fight. Wren thought this more a measure of stupidity. And Quizi’s whole concept of avoiding a fight by pretending you really wanted one, wasn’t much better. So he sat there frustrated at the immaturity of it all.

He glanced up at Lind, who was still staring at him. The big man was no doubt hoping Wren would try to walk into Hun land, just so he could kill him. 

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