Chapter 20.2

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A much happier Gibson then said, “So Celie, you understand why Edge is here. Now, why don’t you tell him why you are here?"

Celie looked nervous. “Some things are better left unsaid.”

Gibson looked at her and said, “I know why you are here already, of course, and will tell Edge if you don’t, but I think your story would be best coming from you.”

Celie could already feel her eyes beginning to well up. The emotion created by Edge’s story, together with starting to think about her sister was beginning to affect her.

She couldn’t believe she was on the verge of crying in front of two strangers but she could feel her grief starting to come to the surface. She felt embarrassed, as tears started running down her cheeks but there was nothing else she could do. She couldn’t stop them.

The other two just lowered their heads respectively and waited. Celie wiped her eyes and composed herself as best she could.

“I lived with my sister, a beautiful spirit of the forest …” but as the words came out of her mouth, the tears began flowing again. Giving voice to what happened, was just too much.

But she was beginning to realise she needed to do this. Needed this for herself. She sniffed, wiped her eyes, took a deep breath and continued.

It took a while for Celie to complete her story. She had to stop and compose herself several times but she found herself eventually saying, “So my purpose here is quite simple. To kill Lerrick Y’Kara.”

She looked up then, for the first time since she had started, and saw that Edge had been crying. This was too much for Celie and she started weeping again.

Edge reached over and took her hand in his and squeezed it lightly before letting go.

If Gibson had been affected by the outpouring of emotion he showed no sign of it and just looked impassively at the floor.

“So, here we are,” Gibson said. “But there is still one thing I don’t understand. Why was the Duke so interested in you to send Gel to watch you? If it was to kill you, you would be dead. So that leaves only one other possibility, to protect you.”

Celie thought for a moment, “Or maybe not,” she mused. “You said Gel was Marsh’s best Sneak yes, but you saw him following me this morning”

Thinking more clearly Celie continued, “How many times in the past have you seen him when he didn’t want to be seen.”

Gibson thought, “Never. Just this morning I guess.”

“So,” Celie continued, “What if he had wanted you to see him. What if he knew you would follow him. What if he was just leading you to me.”

Gibson thought for a minute before mumbling, “It’s possible.”

“So maybe this whole meeting here is precisely what Marsh wants." Celie continued.

Gibson thought some more, “It’s possible. But Why?” he added.

It was Edge’s turn to speak. “Who knows?” he said looking at Celie, “But one thing is clear, someone in the room isn’t quite the all seeing, all knowing, powerful Sneak he thinks he is. I might even venture to say he’s been bested by another Sneak without even realising it.”

Celie nodded in agreement.

She gently reached over and started patting Gibson on the hand and said with sad eyes, “But remember, it is not a failure but rather an opportunity to grow.”

Edge laughed.

Gibson said nothing, but didn’t miss what had just passed between the two accuracy affines. And despite being the source of their amusement, he even allowed himself a slight smile too. Maybe, the girl has something, he thought.

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