Chapter 30

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Marsh’s conversation with Tiel had him frustrated. Trouble was definitely stirring in the Tunnels and this was undoubtedly linked to a rise in power of Temple Aguilar, but how deep did the Temple’s influence go? And how did they know about Celie?

“The questions are growing my friend,” Marsh said, turning his attention to Viri who had just entered his study, “Please tell me you have some answers.”

Viri lowered his eyes and pursed his lips together.

“Out with it,” Marsh said, not giving Viri the chance to sugarcoat whatever it was he didn’t want to say.

Raising his eyes, Viri began, “I directed two of my contacts to go west to investigate what was behind Y’Kara’s recent activity at Lake Drune. That was over a month ago and I’ve heard nothing from either since.

“They were trustworthy contacts. Something has happened to them. I fear whatever is going on down there is bigger and more serious than I thought.”

“Were either of your contacts affines,” Marsh said.

“No,” replied Viri. “But neither were they novices at what they did.

“I’ve since dispatched a stealth affine to the area, but,” Viri paused, taking another breath, “This is going to sound crazy but I fear for their safety. Something doesn’t add up in the region.”

Marsh rubbed his temples gently with his fingers. “What do you know?”

“Y’Kara has been sending troops to Lake Drune to, supposedly, deal with a sudden influx of Skree in the area. By all accounts, the number of fighters sent is significant.”

“Way more than a little Skree problem might suggest.” Marsh put in.

“Exactly,” Viri said, looking again at the floor.

“And ...” Marsh said.

“I’ve yet to confirm these rumours but a talented Archer has been seen around Lake Drune.”

Marsh frowned. “Perhaps it’s just talk of Celie or Lerrick Y’Kara.”

“No. This is unlikely.” Viri replied, taking a deep breath, “The Archer is Kolle.”

Marsh’s eyebrow rose at that. He then looked carefully at Viri and said, “There’s more isn’t there?”

Viri took another deep breath. “Yes. The Kolle carries a golden bow with a serpent’s head at both ends.”

Marsh’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you sure?”

“As much as I can be,” Viri confirmed.

Marsh began massaging his temples again. Things were moving too fast. Too many surprises happening all at once.

Calming his mind, and focussing on the problem in hand, he said, “Let’s assume House Y’Kara and Temple Aguilar are linked in some way. And something is behind this unlikely alliance.”

Something must be behind it. Gabrielle Y’Kara and the High Priest were powerful but neither had the power to unite two such disparate institutions. There was definitely something else in the shadows.

Turning back to Viri, he said, “What would you do, if you were the one pulling the strings?”

Viri thought for a moment. “Both the Staff of Blood and Tyrol’s bow are extremely powerful, but by themselves are not sufficient to challenge you. However, if they were joined with the enduro and accuracy sparks, their power would be a real threat."

Marsh gestured for Viri to carry on.

“Given my efforts to reunite the accuracy spark with Tyrol’s bow failed in the arena with Lerrick's death, I would focus all my attention on joining the enduro spark with the Staff of Blood.”

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