Chapter 31.2

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Neels lit a torch from his pack and headed into the cave. As they entered the cave entrance, Wren could already smell that it was occupied. The smell of Kolle was pervasive and made it even more strange that there was no Kolle on guard at the entrance.

The bright glow from Neels’ torch made them an obvious target, but Neels was the only one who knew where the pool was and he needed the light to see. So Wren just followed keeping his worries to himself. As they went deeper, Wren's uneasy feeling grew stronger and stronger and his suspicions were practically confirmed by Quizi, who moved over to Wren and whispered, “Neels is leading us into a trap.”

Wren nodded. “I know but we just need the moss. Maybe we can get it and be out of here, before the trap is sprung.”

Quizi shook her head. “The moss is the bait. Taking it will spring the trap.”

Wren had to agree with her but despite everything his body was telling him, he strangely trusted Neels. Besides, that was irrelevant now. He had sworn an oath to Neels and he would respect it.

“We go on,” he said to Quizi.

She just said “OK.”

Wren loved that about her. He was doing something stupid. She knew it. She also probably knew he was withholding the reason for his stupidity from her. Yet, she didn’t moan, complain, demand an explanation, or even ask. She just trusted him and said, ‘OK’.

Oh, by the light. thought Wren. I love this girl.

They walked for a while down the tunnel turning right twice and then left once before it began to open into a larger space. Wren was memorising the route back. He suspected he would need to remember it. The faint torch light was not really spreading too far from their position but as they entered the open area Wren could see a shimmering pool on the other side of the wide cavern.

Wren looked at the pool and the large rocks around it. These stone pillars rose up towards the cavern roof with plenty of space behind them to conceal a group of Kolle. A more perfect spot for an ambush he couldn’t imagine. There were also plenty of other tunnels converging on this cavern, from which Kolle could come pouring out, blocking any chance of a retreat.

Quizi had obviously had similar thoughts because she turned and hissed at Neels, “I don’t know what you are doing but if anything happens to Wren, I will kill you.”

Wren didn’t doubt Quizi would do it. But Neels just ignored her as if she had never spoken.

Wren could smell the Kolle. They were close. Very close. But Neels continued to creep slowly towards the pool, the light from his torch announcing their arrival clearly to everyone. Wren and Quizi following on behind. The air was thick with tension. They were only five paces from the pool when Wren noticed the moss on the side of one of the rocks. He couldn't be sure but it looked very much like shell moss.

Neels stopped and looked at Wren and nodded at the moss. Wren nodded back, as if to say yes, that’s it.

As Neels moved towards the moss. A powerful voice resonated around the cave. “That’s far enough.”

To Wren’s surprise, it wasn’t a Kolle that stepped out into the open but rather a Terron, dressed in a black and scarlet robe. However, the noise of scratching and scurrying feet behind Wren, told him that there were plenty of Kolle now blocking their retreat back to the tunnel.

“Barbarian, you have done well,” the man in the robe said. “True to your word, as all good Barbarian’s are.”

Quizi hissed at Neels.

Neels ignored her again.

Wren quietly reached out and gently held Quizi by the arm, restraining her from doing anything impulsive. She turned her stare on Wren.

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