Chapter 18

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Viri had just left, telling Marsh what he wanted to hear. Kaliron had left her residence in the Forest Quarter and was en route to the Palace. Also, her entourage tonight would not include her son, the Prince, as he was under protection ahead of the upcoming Tourney. Excellent, thought Marsh, things were set up nicely.

Marsh started making his way to the entrance hall, as he wanted to be there to greet the Queen, when she arrived. He was grateful to her for accepting the offer of dinner tonight and wanted to show his appreciation in person. So much more could be accomplished over fine wine and venison, than turgid formal meetings between dignitaries.

The entrance hall was a grand stately affair, with huge twin staircases spiraling up to the first floor at opposite ends of the room. A balcony rimmed the huge hall, so people on the floor above could observe those arriving. The centre piece was a huge ornate chandelier, suspended from the ceiling on a chain. The chain was very thick and needed to be, in order to support the substantial weight of the chandelier.

Marsh watched from under the chandelier, as the Forester delegation walked across the courtyard towards the hall. They wore their traditional forest garb of plain simple leathers and furs. Even the Queen had on a pair of soft animal skin trousers and a leather top. No silks or embroidery. No dresses or skirts. The Queen did, however, wear an additional cape but other than that, there was nothing that singled her out as any different from the rest of her entourage.

Marsh bowed, as etiquette dictated, when the Queen approached the centre of the hall. Rising from his bow Marsh said, “It is a rare pleasure indeed, to host the Queen of the Forest in my humble home.”

“Humble,” Kaliron said, glancing up at the chandelier. “Well, I hope your humble light doesn’t fall on us.”

Marsh laughed. It had been over twenty years since he had seen the Queen but it seemed her character hadn’t changed. He had liked her sense of humour back then.

“I can assure you the light is quite secure, ” Marsh said, gesturing at the chain.

The two of them, both accomplished in their roles, made pleasant small talk as Marsh slowly led the Queen into the adjacent dining room, where a small banquet had been set out for the Foresters.

Looking at the spread, Queen Kaliron smiled at the effort Marsh had made to accomodate the Forester diet. All the finest forest delicacies were on display. She knew then Marsh wanted something from her and given the effort he had gone through with the invite and banquet, it wasn’t likely something small.

Marsh caught Kaliron’s eye and said, “I would be most grateful if you and your guests would join me for dinner. I have tried to cater for the tastes I think Foresters would enjoy but would welcome your opinion on how well I’ve done.”

“Of course,” Kaliron replied, “It would be a pleasure. But I hardly think you need my approval for your choice of food. I’m sure you already know it will be perfect.”

“You give me too much credit,” said Marsh, bowing slightly and smiling, knowing she was of course right.

Thinking that the time was about right to broach the main reason for tonight’s get together, Marsh said, “The gardens are a fine sight at this time of night and it looks like it will be a warm evening. Would you like a short private tour before sitting down to eat?”

The word ‘private’ was not missed on Kaliron and if she was afraid she covered it very well. Instead, she turned to her principal advisor and said, “Please be seated for dinner and begin. I will join you shortly.”

Marsh simply nodded at Viri who began making dinner arrangements. Marsh gestured for the Queen to lead, before joining her at her side.

Marsh opened the conversation, “I didn’t see your son amongst the guests tonight. I was told that he was travelling with you.”

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