Chapter 35.2

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When they arrived at the heart of the Forest, Marsh was a little surprised by the suspicion he was met with, despite the Prince’s warning.

Previously when he had given a spark to a Tourney winner, members of the new Seeker’s community had been grateful and showed him a certain level of respect, if not quite friendship.

But he had to remember, although Celie fought for Mabel Forest, she wasn’t really known to any of the Foresters here in the true Heart of the Forest. If he had had more time, he would have liked to have made this trip with Celie, so they could better get to know her and her them, but things were as they were. But, this was all superfluous. He came here for one reason only, to see the vaults.

As Marsh walked through the Heart, he began to realise the feeling of suspicion towards him was actually more of a general feeling of unease that pervaded the woods. Marsh had known these people as honest and straightforward folk but there seemed to be an undercurrent of something secret or hidden running through the woodland city now. They were not the open carefree people he remembered.

Marsh, however, pushed these thoughts aside as they arrived at the beautiful central residence and Edge introduced him to his mother. The Queen was putting a brave face on it but Marsh could see the strain of the last few weeks had taken a large toll on her. Something clearly wasn’t right. He even felt a little sorry for her. The feelings of hope for the future, after the Tourney, seemingly long gone.

“Queen Kaliron, thank you for your hospitality and inviting me into your home. It truly is as beautiful as I remember,” Marsh said being his usual gracious self.

The Queen responded in kind and gestured for Marsh and his party to follow as she led them through her home.

The city, if that was the right word for this place, was sculpted from and around the trees. The trees were shaped to make houses and other various dwellings. Nothing had been chopped down. The wood everything was made of, was alive. Part of a living forest, grown or moulded to a particular purpose but very much still alive.

There was also a beautiful river that ran through the centre of the city. It was a good fifty paces across, but in numerous places, trees and branches had been twined together to create wonderful elegant bridges that soared over the flowing water.

As well as the trees, the rocky river bed had been shaped too, to create births where the Foresters shallow draft river boats could transport goods in and out of the city.

Marsh could even make out a few Caguls down by the docks, in amongst the Foresters. Most likely the earth affines, responsible for shaping the ground and rocks around the river bed.

The whole place, from the trees to the rocks, was sculpted from nature to create the feeling that the city was actually a living breathing organism with a heart and mind of its own. Quite amazing.

Marsh took everything in, complementing the Queen on the beauty that met his eyes. He even managed a small intake of breath, as the Queen led him up to the Hall of Branches. The prize jewel of the city.

The Hall of Branches was a beautifully crafted space in the centre of the Queen’s residence. It had been made with the utmost care and contained a dome that arched majestically over a raised platform that stood about twenty feet above the forest floor. The floor of the platform was intricately woven with vines and leaves that created an almost carpeted effect. Certainly the leaves underfoot felt as soft as carpet.

The Queen invited her guests to be seated at exquisite tables and the preparations for dinner began. There were little holes in the raised stage with ladders leading down to the forest floor proper, where the Queen’s workers came and went quietly with the food and drink, remaining unnoticed for the most part by the guests.

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