Chapter 14.2

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Viri was waiting for Marsh as he returned back above ground. Viri greeted his boss and followed him through the main hall and across the palace courtyard, carefully laying out the strategy for today’s Council Meeting.

Viri was a tiny little Terron. Balding on top, with wispy grey hair swept back in a failed attempt to cover his increasing age. His large nose and ears sprouted matching grey hairs, creating the image of a wise old man. And the image was justified, Viri was both very wise and very old. In fact, his frail body was so old, it was beginning to fail him as he wheezed to keep up with Marsh. His mind, however, was still as keen and quick as it was forty years ago, when he first rose to the position of House Dwain Keeper.

The Keeper was essentially Marsh’s Second or House Administrator. Some would even say advisor, but that suggested Viri had some control over what Marsh did. Which he didn’t. That said, Marsh found Viri’s thoughts and insight invaluable and lamented the day when he would have to find a replacement for the talented little man. But not today.

Marsh listened to Viri’s advice on how to handle the various items scheduled for today’s meeting as well as those things that were likely to come up for whatever reason.

The network of listeners Marsh had established throughout Faria reported in the main to Viri, with a few noticeable exceptions that reported directly to him. But Viri, had his ear to the ground and if something was stirring in the Houses, Viri would know about it.

When they arrived at the entrance to the Marble room, Marsh let his Keeper finish what he was saying before smiling at the little man and saying, “Thorough as always. Anything else?”

Viri pursed his lips. “Yes and no,” he said. “I suspect something is going on with House Y’Kara. But sadly I’ve yet to discover the nature of my unease.”

It was Viri’s turn to smile, “As you know I have a nose for identifying when something is not quite right and something is not quite right about the Y‘Kara’s affairs in the south. But alas, I don’t know what yet. I don’t think Gabrielle will reveal her hand at this meeting but it is possible she could spring a surprise. She is not without talents in this area.”

“Agreed,” said Marsh.

With that, Marsh left Viri at the door with the affine guards, and strode towards the huge marble table in the centre of the room, where eight faces turned to face him.

The Council of nine, and by extension, Marsh as Council Leader, controlled the continent of Faria. This excluded the Tunnels, of course, which were left well alone.

There were a few exceptions above ground too, like the lands north of the mountains where the Barbarians lived. These were generally baron lands containing nothing of any interest to the Houses, so were left for the Barbarians and Ogres to fight over.

The other exception was Mabel Forest. A vast expanse of woodland the Foresters called home. This land, unlike the inhospitable north however, was of growing interest to a number of Houses.

But despite these exceptions, Marsh as Council Leader, could genuinely lay claim to most of Faria and was easily the most powerful person in the land.

Marsh took his seat along with the other eight Council members around the huge marble table. There was little else in the Marble room save the round stone table and chairs. The ceiling reached high above them and formed a large white dome centred on the table. The whole set up looked really dramatic, both austere and way over the top at the same time. It was also very cold and uncomfortable, which Marsh particularly liked.

As he surveyed the table it was the usual faces that stared back at him. Seven Dukes and one Duchess. They were all affines of one kind or another and therefore quite deadly. But there were affine guards stationed at the door and Marsh had wards in place all around the room, that would detect immediately the moment anyone tried to tap into their affinity. So, despite the lethal guests, the Marble room was probably one of the safest spaces on Faria.

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