Chapter 26.1

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It was three days after the Tourney and the bonding ceremony was set for this evening. Whereas, the Tourney was viewable by all, the bonding ceremony was a much more exclusive affair. Top representatives from all the Houses would be present in the Palace, mostly for the elaborate ball that would take place once the ceremony itself was concluded.

Pretty much all in attendance would be of noble blood. In fact, the only person not of noble blood, ironically, would be Celie. But that would soon change. By accepting the spark, she would be given land and a title to match her position as a sparked affine. Of course, this was just another thing that would tie her to House Dwain.

The ceremony would happen in the Royal Hall. A room that was designed with a single premise in mind, to be as over the top as possible. And, even though the Royal Hall created a feeling of awe in nearly all people that entered it, to Tiel it was just a reminder of what he was missing most of the year.

He turned to his Father, who had taken a break from the ceremony preparations. “Father, I hope this little chat you want with me is about how you wish to show your appreciation for my tireless service by rewarding me with a ten year stay in the Palace, surrounded by beautiful women, exquisite food and endless opportunities to waste away my time doing completely meaningless things.”

“Shut up, Tiel.” And then looking directly at his son, said, “I don’t reward failure.”

Tiel had no comeback on that. He sighed and said, “So, what dreary part of the country am I to travel to next.” These little chats were invariably, instructions on where he was to go next.

Marsh smiled at his son. “Oh, Tiel. Whatever happened to the bright-eyed young adventurer?”

Tiel, gave his Father an incredulous look. “He got buried under piles of filth.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“No, worse. So where next?,” Tiel resigned to the fact he would be off out in the stinking wilds again soon.

Marsh’s answer surprised him. “I don’t know.”


“Yes, Tiel. I don’t know.” Marsh confirmed. “In fact, I was hoping you could shed some light on this problem for me.”

Now, Tiel was surprised. Such humility from his Father was, to say the least, extraordinary.

Tiel looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “I have heard rumours of sparked affines in and around the Palace no less.”

Marsh rolled his eyes.

“Hard to believe, I know, directly under your nose and all that, but I think with an extended stay, of say ten years, and the support of some good staff, female and beautiful, I can root out these troublesome sparked affines.”

Marsh just folded his arms and said, “Have you finished?”

Tiel nodded.

“Good,” said Marsh. “Now, the new enduro spark carrier, Wren, has crossed the mountains into Barbarian territory. It will be easy for you to pick up his trail and follow him in the future. He is not very practiced at hiding yet.”

Tiel nodded.

“No, my concern at the moment is a little more pressing, and actually isn’t related to a spark, but rather an artifact.”

Tiel’s expression perked up.

“Word has reached me that the Temple of Aguilar has come into possession of a rather valuable artifact. I would like to have a closer look at this artifact.” Marsh said.

“What does it do?”

“I’ll tell you what I know,” Marsh continued, “Suffice to say this information stays between us. For now, at least.”

Tiel nodded, his interest well and truly piqued now.

Marsh took a deep breath and said, “The artifact is called the Staff of Blood. And I believe it is linked to the enduro spark in some way.”


“Yes,” Marsh said “You are aware that certain powerful artifacts were created to replicate the effect of an affinity.”

Tiel nodded, he knew of only one example though, the great axe Hawkwing. If Hawkwing was held by a non-strength affine it would amplify the wielder’s strength in much the same way a strength affinity would. So even Tiel, as an ice affine with the physical strength of something akin to a small badger, would have the strength of a Barbarian if he were holding Hawkwing.

Hawkwing however in the hands of strength affine would be something to behold. And if Hawkwing was ever wielded by Bolo, a sparked strength affine, well, Tiel shuddered at the thought.

Bringing his mind back to the issue at hand, he said, “So you believe, this Staff of Blood, will give the affine who carries it the ability of the enduro spark. The power to heal.”

“That is my belief,” said Marsh. “But where is it? I have naturally reasoned it would be held at one of the Aguilar Temples but my endeavours to discover which has yet to bear fruit.”

Tiel nodded.

“I’ve focused most of my attention on the main temple in Trillion. But nothing. So, I am beginning to think it is elsewhere.”

Tiel thought for a moment and said, “Can I see the map?” pointing at the rolled up parchment under Marsh’s arm.

The two of them swept the silverware off the table and laid the map out flat using a spoon to hold each corner down.

Marsh knew Tiel well and smiled as his son started to examine the map of the continent with the forty or so Aguilar temples marked on it. Tiel was onto something, Marsh could see it.

Tiel nodded at the map and smiled. “You said the staff was linked in some way to the enduro spark. What if the holder of the staff could feel where the spark was.”

“He would know where to find the spark,” Marsh said, stating the obvious.

“The closest I ever got to Sar, before the, the ... misfortune at the cliff,” Tiel said, “Was when Sar was ambushed by a bunch of zealots. I never gave this much thought before, but what if the zealots were Aguilar, and what if they knew he was coming.”

Marsh smiled, “And where was this little ambush?”

Tiel moved his finger to a small cross, barely a couple of day’s ride from where they were now. The Temple of Falling Rocks.

A big grin split Marsh’s face. “Tiel, please prepare. You will leave on the morrow for the Temple of Falling Rocks.”

Tiel’s smile disappeared, “My preparations for such an important journey will need at least a week. I would hate to set off without being completely prepared.”

Marsh, looked at his son, and shook his head, “You can have one day but I want you and the Seekers gone in two.”

Tiel smiled, concessions were rare. “Thank you, Father.”

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