Chapter 14.3

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Marsh had yet to address the meeting himself but wanted all other business out of the way before he did. So he waited patiently for all scheduled items to be completed before saying, "Any other business?" It was said in a way that didn't anticipate any response.

However, Gabrielle cleared her throat and said, "Just one small thing."

Marsh looked sideways at her, whilst thinking to himself, here is your little surprise Viri.

"The lands surrounding lake Drune," Gabrielle started, "Way down to the south west have seen an increase in Skree raids recently. You may not be aware of this but House Y'Kara has a small retreat in the region. We are quite keen on our little hunting lodge and fear for the residents there and the community that has grown up around it.

"Although the lodge is on the edge of lake Drune, part of Y'Kara land, the Skree appear to be coming from caves hidden in the outskirts of the Mabel forest. They are not yet a sizable force, but I fear clearing the area will be a sizable task for one House alone. So I ask for support from all other Houses in removing the Skree threat. And I need not remind everyone present, keeping the land free of Skree is something that is in the interest of all around this table."

Duke Wendolyn shook his head, and predictably said, "When the problem starts to affect House Wendolyn we will deal with it but until then this is none of our business. Gabrielle, I'm surprised you even ask."

Yes, Marsh thought, why would you make a request you know will be immediately slapped down by all.

The Duke of House Sandrom then put in, "The Skree seem to be coming from the Mabel Forest you say. Duke Wendolyn appears to have been fostering good relations with the Foresters in this area. Perhaps you could ask him to approach the Foresters for help."

This got a chuckle from all the others seated around the table, with the exception of Duke Wendolyn.

Marsh, however, hadn't been listening. His mind was on the original question. Why would Gabrielle raise this issue and why now? One for Viri, he thought, turning his attention back to the meeting.

He then said, "I think I speak for all around the table when I say we feel comfortable leaving the Skree in your capable hands for now, Gabrielle."

Marsh's comment was met with numerous nods.

"Anything else?" Marsh said.

No-one said anything this time and Marsh could feel the tension starting to grow in the air. They expected him to make some kind of announcement and they were right, of course.

It was now over a week since Medhi's death and rumours about his whereabouts were beginning to circulate. His absence from the other three Seekers hadn't gone unnoticed by the various spies the other Houses had dotted around the continent. House Trent in particular was worried. Gavin Trent, seated opposite Marsh, hadn't said much all meeting and was clearly nervous about what was to come.

"That just leaves one item of business concerning House Dwain," Marsh said.

The marble room was already quiet but it seemed to become quieter in anticipation of Marsh's announcement. He too had a talent for the dramatic.

"I've no doubt you have all become aware that the sparked affine, known as Medhi, has not been seen for a week. It is with great sadness that I have to announce he was killed in service of House Dwain."

The small intake of breath by some around the table, suggested they suspected his absence was due to some other reason.

Marsh continued and looked now at the Duke of House Trent. "Out of respect for his years of faithful service to Faria, House Dwain would like to be present at any House Trent commemoration ceremony paying respects to Medhi."

Gavin Trent, nodded and said, "Of course, it would be a pleasure for House Dwain representatives to attend as well as representatives from any other Houses."

"I will talk privately with you Gavin about the precise details surrounding his death later," Marsh continued, "As it wouldn't be appropriate here, but suffice to say he died in an honourable way that did credit to House Trent."

Gavin Trent visibly relaxed. It appeared that Medhi's death wasn't instigated by Marsh in response to something Medhi had done. But despite the good news, Gavin Trent still had an anxious look to his face. There was still the issue of the mines.

After waiting a few seconds, Marsh continued. "I can honestly say that Medhi's dedication to his duty as a Seeker was second to none. He served House Dwain exceptionally for over fifty years. And as I am sure you are aware, in exchange for his services to House Dwain, House Trent were granted ownership of the mines in the Windrush valleys."

It was deathly silent in the room.

"In recognition of Medhi exceptional service I have deemed it right and proper that ownership of the mines pass permanently to House Trent."

The Duke of House Trent could not hide his relief and almost punched the air in joy, but restrained himself to simply say, "Thank you. Medhi was indeed the best of us."

The expressions on a number of other House representatives around the table were not quite so happy. In fact, a fair amount of hostility seemed to be suddenly pervading the meeting.

Ignoring the change in atmosphere, Marsh carried on, "Medhi's death leaves me with a problem however and something that may be of interest to all gathered here. I need to find a replacement to carry his spark. So there will be a new Tourney for the accuracy spark. The date has been set for seven weeks from now."

The hushed quiet was back.

"As with previous Tourneys it is open to all," Marsh finished.

Marsh could see the fire in the eyes of all those seated round the table, along with an eagerness to leave and ensure the safety of their House's best accuracy affines. A good way to ensure the success of your candidate at the Tourney was to make sure the competition didn't enter.

Gabrielle, sat impassively, but the slight subconscious straightening of her dress, suggested even she was keen to be away and making plans.

"Good," said Marsh by way of wrapping up the meeting. "That concludes our business today. Thank you for your presence and continued support of the Council."

The House leaders nodded in recognition of his words but wasted no time heading for the exit.

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