Chapter 28.2

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The Seekers had camped overnight in the lee of a small hill and were making now for the cover of some neighbouring trees. They had set the horses free earlier in the morning and some lucky traveller would come across them sooner or later and make some easy money.

The weather had brightened for the time being and they travelled with relative ease, despite not actually being on the road.

Celie had taken on Medhi’s role of scouting ahead and it was her that saw the Temple first. It was not easy to see, as it was set against the side of a hill. The Temple had essentially been created by digging into the side of an escarpment. There was only a small stone structure standing out against the hill that gave any indication the Temple was there. However, the rook of Aguilar was carved blatantly into the front of it, marking it clearly for what it was.

But as Celie looked at it from her hidden position in the trees, she noticed some movement to the right. Three Kolle stood bored, about fifty paces from the entrance. Kolle, she thought. They were not the sort that typically followed Aguilar. Kolle had their own belief system that was somewhat distinct from the Celestial and more often than not involved demons. So this was a surprise. But there was no mistaking their allegiance to Aguilar, the rook was clearly emblazoned on their cloaks.

Relaying this information back to the others brought a large grin to Bolo’s face. The opportunity to kill some Kolle seemed to appeal a lot to the big man. Tiel however, looked a little more disturbed. Something was going on here he didn’t understand. Entering a situation without fully understanding what you were getting into was a really good way to get yourself killed. He was thinking he knew this from experience, but then that would be odd. No, he knew this from the experience of others.

“There will be no killing until we discover what is going on and what we are up against here,” Tiel said.

Bolo frowned.

“OK. Maybe we will kill the three guards but I don’t want an all out frontal attack on the Temple,” Tiel added. “Stealth, until we find out what's going on.” 

Bolo nodded.

It was about thirty minutes later, when Bolo stepped out in front of the three surprised Kolle. In fact, surprise had barely registered on their faces, before the nearest one lost its head to the swing from a huge axe. The other two found that the tree they were standing next too had taken a sudden disliking to them, piercing their hearts with a particular sharp branch. All three Kolle slumped to the floor, without making a sound.

Alona just nodded at Bolo, and the two quickly searched the three guards. Nothing unusual, just a few coins and a couple of old rusty weapons. Typical Kolle possessions. Nothing to suggest what was going on here.

Tiel frowned. “Who knows how deep this temple goes, but with the Kolle here, I expect there is an extensive network of Tunnels inside. Be very careful.”

With that the four Celeste’s entered the temple. But what greeted them wasn’t statues, altars, areas of worship or anything like that. In fact there was nothing temply about the inside at all. It was simply a tunnel leading gradually down into the heart of the hill.

Celie led the way and Bolo brought up the rear. They all looked and listened intently for anything out of the ordinary. The tunnel seemed to be a likely place for a trap or two.

It was both Tiel and Alona who said, “Stop,” simultaneously.

Celie froze.

“Don’t move,” Tiel repeated and then added more quietly, “I told you to practice. But you have failed.”

Celie looked confused.

“Feel, really feel,” Tiel said.

Celie did as she was told it was then she felt the tiny almost unnoticeable draft to her right. She looked closely, at the side of the tunnel there was hole in the wall just big enough to push her finger into. She then noticed the disturbed earth on the floor that no doubt covered some kind of pressure plate. She gestured to the wall and floor.

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