Chapter 5.3

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Seeing Master Dirs looking at her, Alona said, “Did you hear what we were talking about?”

Master Dirs didn’t reply. He just said, “I’ve been asked to show you something. Please come with me.”

Alona didn’t question her old Mentor and just followed. Master Dirs led her through the Gardens towards the centre, where the Old One stood.

“The Old One has asked to speak to you. And It is only right that you speak to the one you saved,” Dirs said.

Alona could still remember the first time she had touched the bough of the Old One. The raw energy that flowed through its branches had almost completely overwhelmed her. It was similar to the Celestial energy that she felt inside herself now but yet different too. Older, more ancient if that was even possible. But it had been the sheer depth of the power of the Old One that had shocked her at the time. The tree’s incredible power resonated from its bough, roots and branches affecting everything nearby.

As she stood next to the Old One, she trembled a little. She had never touched the tree since being bonded with the dryad spark and had no idea what it would feel like.

Dirs pointed at the bough, “Please Alona, the Old One would like to share something with you.”

Alona was genuinely shaking when she placed her hand on the tree. She felt a slight tremor in the spark’s energy as it became aware of the Old One, but there was no overwhelming flood of energy or sudden surge of power. Alona just stood there, hand pressed against the bark. Then slowly an image formed in her mind of herself sitting on the ground.

Alona gasped. The Old One was communicating with her. She slowly sat, as the image suggested, with her back resting against the bough and her legs crossed neatly over an exposed root. As she sat there she felt satisfaction flow from the Old One, pleased she had done as it had asked.

As she sat with her eyes closed, her mind began to clear and the energy of the spark mingled with the Old One and started to swell and fill her whole body. Alona lost herself in the sensation.

Then suddenly she was looking at someone else sitting under the Old One. She could feel her eyes were closed but could see clearly, a tall woman sitting under the spreading branches of the Old One, cradling a small baby in her arms. Alona knew she wasn’t looking at something happening now but rather a reflection of something that had happened in the past. The Old One was sharing a memory with her. A vision of something that had actually happened.

Mirion, for the tall woman could be no-one else, softly sang to the small babe in her arms. She rocked the baby back and forth gently singing it to sleep, at which point the branches of the Old One reached down and took the small child in its gentle grasp. Mirion smiled as she gave up her baby to the tree, knowing there was no safer place for the baby to be. It then started to rain, but not a single drop touched the baby as the tree spread its branches in protection of the tiny infant.

Alona stared in amazement at the beautiful scene. The Old One cradling Wren, for the baby had to be Wren, in its branches and protecting it from the rain. The Old One gently rocked the sleeping boy. Alona started to cry quietly as she looked at the incredible image in her mind. A more caring beautiful scene she couldn’t imagine. Then slowly the image began to dissolve and her consciousness returned to the present. Opening her tearful eyes, she saw Master Dirs smiling sympathetically at her.

“What am I to do?” she asked her old teacher, tears still running down her cheeks.

Master Dirs simply opened his hands and said, “I don’t know. I don’t even know what the Old One showed you. But, I trust you to do what’s right.”

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