Chapter 1 • Month past⏳

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Last book recap

Ondreaz- please don't do this

Y/n- I can't have you wait on me, so I'm going to work on myself

Ondreaz- y/n please don't

Y/n- I love you dre, I'll be back" I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before I get Into the elevator and watch the doors close

I put everything into my car and started driving, not long into the drive I start to feel sick but I wasn't sure why...... I haven't eaten anything that's different, and that's when I realised

But it can't be right?

End of recap

Your POV
It's been a month since I left the hype house to clear my thoughts. The last time Ondreaz and I spoke we both couldn't give each other what we wanted so I needed time to myself, no distractions, no nothing. Just me and my own thoughts.
So what have I been doing this whole month?

Well I've been staying in a hotel not too far from the hype house but far enough for them not to be near where I was staying. I've been doing a lot of relaxing group sessions like spa days, group talk sessions and even yoga. Within the month I think I gave myself plenty of time to be able to get myself back on track. I had planned on going back to the hype house soon because I was really missing everyone, a month without talking to any of them hurt but its what I needed. But the main reason I was going back soon was because I had found out I was pregnant.

 But the main reason I was going back soon was because I had found out I was pregnant

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Yes people I'm pregnant, only a month pregnant. And yes it is Ondreaz's, before I left the house I constantly felt on and off off sick but didn't think of it because I was stressed. But after a few mornings of being sick I toke a test to see and it came back positive. All I know is I need to get back to the house soon and let Ondreaz know what's happening. I just hope he wants to be with me after I tell him the news

Ondreaz's pov
It's been close to a month since y/n left the house and everything hasn't been the same. Everyone in the house wasn't the same. The girls were too quiet, the boys didn't know what to do, everyone just seemed to be lost
The first few days I had no motivation to do anything, I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to eat, everything just became nothing without her. After having a lot of heart to heart conversation with Tony he got me to start getting myself back on track. I used y/n as motivated to get myself back on track. I'd been in a studio working on a album, I've been eating healthy, working out and still making sure my fans knew I was doing well. It's hard not having her here.

Kouvr- has anyone heard from y/n today?" She says a little sad

Micheal- just like yesterday and the day before that no one hasn't heard anything" he says sarcastically

Patrick- I wished she'd come back already, idk how I can put up with Calvin

Calvin- I'm not that bad" he says being defensive

Tony- hey she'll be back, just give her some time okay

I know Tony has been trying to stay positive for everyone but I could see the positive vibe starting to fade. After a month of waiting who's positive vibe wouldn't start to fade, I just wished that somehow there was a sign saying she coming back.

The house decided on having a movie night since the last time we had one was when y/n was here, everyone grabbed some snacks and drinks before making their way to the movie room. The girls wanted something romantic but I think most of the boys just wanted something funny, we all just needed something to lift up the mood. We ended up watching 'step brother'.
The movie really helped, everyone was laughing and making jokes. It felt like the old times, everyone being happy it just made the house feel alive again.
By the time the movie was finished we all decide to quickly clean up and talk for a bit

Kouvr- I think it's going to rain tonight" she says looking out the window

Thomas- you think so?

Kouvr- well yeah check outside it looks like it

Nick- maybe a thunderstorm" he says getting excited

Ryland- oh great that means mia's gonna be screaming all night

Mia- hey I can't help that thunder scares me

We all laugh and joke around and decide we were all going to get some sleep. As we all said goodnight there was a knock at the door

Thomas- was that the door being knocked on?" He says a little confused

Alex- I think it was" he says look over the overlook to see

Chase- I'm not opening it, I've seen to many horror movies to know what'll happen" he says walking away

Mia- wait is there a murder at the door" she shouts

Kouvr- no there isn't, chase shut up otherwise you'll babysit her tonight

Knock, knock knock

Ondreaz- I'll open it alright and if there's a big, bad, scary killer I'll let you know" I say in a duh tone

Patrick- how exactly would you let us know, wouldn't you be dead?

Ondreaz- I'll haunt you to let you know" I roll my eyes and make my way to the door as I get to the door it turn the handle to see her standing there

??- can I come in?

She's back

⚠️Important update⚠️

Welcome to book 2 people, sorry for a short start to the book but don't stress it will become longer.

The updates for this book is going to be a little different to the last, I'm going to update 3 days a week so I still have time to write chapters for you guys. I will put another chapter out tomorrow so don't worry but Once over gotten most of the book written I will go back to the normal 5 chapters a week, so feel free to leave as many ideas

Now let's see how everything plays out🤍

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