Chapter 34 • Together🤝

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Ondreaz's pov
I head down to where the ceremony is and see all the set up, it was like a dream come true. All mine and y/n's family and friends were all seated waiting for it all to begin.

I finally get to the Altar and wait for it all to begin, my nerves were through the roof

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I finally get to the Altar and wait for it all to begin, my nerves were through the roof. It was only me and the marriage celebrant with me, all the bridesmaids and groomsmen would walk out together. I was replaying everything Xavier told me to help myself relax. The wait for this wedding to begin was killing me

Your POV
It's time to head down to the ceremony but we have to stand in the hallway that leads out to the ceremony, as all the girls and I arrive in the hallway a few meters away from the ceremony where the groomsmen were waiting

Tony- you look so beautiful y/n

Y/n- thank you, how has dre been?

Xavier- he's nervous but he can't wait to see you

We all talk for a few seconds before everyone got with the partner to walk down with before we all were going to head out. Just as we were going to begin my brothers Finn and Leo walk in

Y/n- what's wrong guys?

Finn- we decided we were going to walk you down

Y/n- you guys want to do that for me?

Leo- of course, dad has too much stage fright so why not the next two best things

Y/n- thank you" I pull them both in for a hug

It was time, everyone was match with their partners ready to go

Sj- ready to go?

Y/n- ready

Sj gives the people on music a signal and the music begins to play, the first to pairs walk out

Marlene and Xavier

Sj and Tony

Dixie and Tayler

Avani and Nate

As Avani and Nate walk down both my brother put their arms out for me to link with them

Finn- here we go

We begin to walk down the isle and everything looked amazing, it was so beautiful. I see all my friends, family, dres family and friends. Then I see him, standing there looking as handsome as ever with tears in his eyes

Ondreaz pov
I see the first pair of groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down, it's officially happening. My nerves feel like they jump to a whole other level, Xavier stands next to me and places a hand on his shoulder

Xavier- relax, she's here" he whispers

Everyone else slows walks out until the final pair walk out, she was next. Then I see her, her dress as so beautiful and she just looked unreal. I couldn't help but let the tears form in my eyes, this was happening, this beautiful women's was going to be my wife in a moments

She finally reaches the altar and I instantly grab her hands to feel her touch, she giggles a little bit. Just before everything was about to begin Leandro runs down the isle with the rings

Leandro- mama dadda

Y/n and I both look at each other in disbelief, his first words

Y/n- you just know how to make our day so much more memorable" she says as she picks him up for a hug

I walk over and give him a hug and kiss before he comes and stands on the groomsmen side

Marriage celebrant- let's begin

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