Chapter 26 • Missing pt.2 📜

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Your POV
It's been 2 days since everyone last saw Ondreaz and we still didn't have anything. We spent all night walk up and down every street near the restaurant and even went back to the air bnb to see if he went there. The morning after we went back to look at the security footage but they didn't have anything with Ondreaz on it.
I haven't slept in the 2 days which I could feel starting to weigh on me. My mood swings from lack of sleep were bad, one minute I'd be yelling out in frustration but then breakdown the next second. Leandro was still being looked after avani and charli while we search for Ondreaz, the first day after he disappeared I went to see Leandro to feed him and to get cuddles but I just broke down. He reminded me so much of Ondreaz. Every minute that Ondreaz wasn't here was another though of how I wasn't going to see him again, how I'd have to raise Leandro on my own and he grows up without a father which broke me even more.

I just want to know where Ondreaz is

Ondreaz pov
I feel my eyes starting to open and close, shit I must have went really hard last night on the drinks. As I'm slowly waking up I realise I'm not at the air bnb, it was dark place with a really old smell. I couldn't remember anything from last night, the last think I do remember is going up to the bar but that was it. What the fuck happened?
As my mind keeps trying to remember anything from that moment onwards it's pulled back to reality when I hear a door open and close. The lights are turned on but they're super bright.
I see some walk towards me but I can only see the figure because of the light, maybe paper was right about aliens?

??- you're finally up" the voice says, it's a girl

Ondreaz- what happened?

??- you were out last night with everyone and the stupid girl you had a kid with" she says trying to keep her voice from yelling

Ondreaz- excuse me?

??- but don't worry I have you now

My eyes start to adjust to the light and it is a girl, very tall and very seemed to be a little confused

Ondreaz- I'd say kidnapped more then anything

??- you're too funny, I'm Hannah" she says sitting in front on me

Ondreaz- okay Hannah, could you possibly let me go, everyone is probably worried about me

Hannah- yes they are, I've seen them walking every street looking for you

Ondreaz- well I need to see them

Hannah- but then we won't be together

Ondreaz- I'm already with someone

Hannah- yes I know, but you don't seem happy with her

Ondreaz- I'm in love with her, I have a child with her

Hannah- you aren't in love with you, she's just a cover

Ondreaz - I see what this is

Hannah- what?

Ondreaz- this is a big prank everyone put together, well done guys it was really convincing

Hannah- it's not a prank this is serious, you aren't going back. We are staying here forever

Ondreaz- are you actually being serious " I asked starting to kinda take it all serious now

Hannah- yes, I even have a calendar set for everything. Today we meet, next month we become a couple, then we move in together, then we get Married, have children and live out our lives together

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