Chapter 15 • The accident pt.1🚑

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Your POV
After Halloween Tony has had sj come over a little bit lately, it's been a lot of fun getting to know her and she's such a funny person to be around. Since we were getting along so well we decided to go get our nails done while Tony and Ondreaz had a meeting

Y/n- so how are you liking it her so far?

Sj- I love it but I do miss Canada

Y/n- I could imagine

Sj- it's really hard, I'm tempted to move here but I'm not sure how my family will take me being here alone

Y/n- you've got Tony, the house and I so you aren't alone

Sj- I know, I just don't want to make a mistake

Y/n- whatever you decide on we will support you 100%

After we got our nails done we head back to the house to see the boys making tiktoks, we laugh and watch them. Soon as they were done they come over to us

Tony- how was your little girls day

Sj- so much fun

Y/n- we have to have another one soon

Ondreaz- that's good that you guys are having fun

Sj- what about tomorrow, the 4 of us go out

Ondreaz- I'd love that but I'm working on a new song

Tony- could do it on the weekend

Ondreaz- for sure

It started to get late so Ondreaz and I head to our room and getting ready for bed

Ondreaz- how was your day, I know I asked earlier but I just want to make sure you and our little one were okay

Y/n- everything was good, sj and I talked about her thinking of moving here but not sure

Ondreaz- Tony would love that

Y/n- yeah, i think they'd be cute together

Ondreaz- she just mixes well with everyone and I have seen him happy since sofie

Y/n- that is true. Come on let's sleep now you have to be up early

Ondreaz- I love you and I love you both so much

Y/n- and we love you. Goodnight dre

Ondreaz- goodnight beautiful

The next day☀️
Your POV
Ondreaz has already left for the studio so he could finish early today. I head up to the kitchen and see sj and Tony making breakfast

Y/n- what are you guys making?

Tony- bacon and eggs

Y/n- it's like you know my cravings

Sj- has ondre already left?

Y/n- yeah he's gonna try to get off early

Tony- he won't, he'll try to make the song better so he will probably be late

Y/n- yeah I had a feeling

Sj- well how about we go do something so time flys

Y/n- I'd love too

Tony- okay after breakfast we'll go out for a while

Soon as food was put on the table it was gone, I was so hungry and my craving were through the roof. OnceTony and sj were done we all got change and headed to the beach for a little bit

Sj- I'm so keen for the beach

Tony- it's one of y/n's favourites places

Y/n- can't help it

We arrive and set up near the water. We sat there for a while to relax, sj walked along for a while then asked me to swim with her while Tony toke an important call

Y/n- the water is perfect

Sj- it really is, everything is perfect

Y/n- it does feel like it sometimes

Sj- so I thought about what we talked about yesterday

Y/n- about you think of staying?

Sj- yeah I think I'll talk to my parents and have theirs thoughts

Y/n- so you are possibly staying for good?

Sj- yessss, having everyone around me and being able to do stuff like this it just makes me want to stay and having Tony around-

Y/n- you like Tony don't you?

Sj- maybeeeeeee

Y/n- don't worry your secret is safe with me

Sj- just being around him it makes sense, I'm sure you get what I'm meaning

Y/n- yeah I get it, it was the same with when I first met Ondreaz

Sj- and seeing where you guys are i want that, obviously not right now but in the future

Y/n- see where it takes you guys I'm sure something will happen sooner or later

Sj- I know, i feel like I never want to leave

Tony- speaking of that we actually need to head back

Y/n- everything okay?

Tony- yeah just have a last minute meeting and I don't want you girls Ubering it back

Sj- maybe a weekend trip?

Y/n- yeah and dre will be able to come

We pack up everything and head up to the car. After drying off we get in and jam out to some music. I rethink about what sj and I talked about. Her and I got along so well maybe I could talk to Ondreaz about having sj stay in the hype house or even if dre and I in the future have our own place Tony and sj could live with us.

Tony- sorry that we had to leave early girls

Y/n- it happens Tony don't worry okay

Sj- yeah we can always go on the weekend

Tony- yeah I know but-

Out of nowhere a car hits us and makes our car spin

Tony- is everyone alright?!

everything went black

I had to I'm sorryyyyyy guyyyyyyys
Too many things left unanswered but it'll all be revealed soon. To make it up to you guys there will be a big surprise next week as a Christmas present to everyone🤍

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