Chapter 25 • Missing pt.1📜

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Your POV
It's our 3rd day into the trip and it has been amazing, we've been to a few waterfalls for a swim, we've watched a few of the performances that are put on at night and checked out a few restaurants. It was so much fun being around everyone again, it remind me of all the old times we did together as a group.

It was afternoon and everyone was down by the beach while I was sitting near the water with Leandro, he was having his afternoon nap after having a really big day. He really looked like he was enjoying the trip, he always had a smile or was laughing which just made everything more memorable.

Thomas- hey guys do we wanna go out for dinner again?" He yells out

Charli- but we went to one last night

Thomas- I know but Kouvr says this place is the bomb

Kouvr- well it is

The house- yeah let's do it

Everyone decided to make their way out of the water to get everything packed, Ondreaz walks over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and then to Leandro

Ondreaz- how long has he been asleep for?" He whispers

Y/n- almost an hour

Ondreaz- I could have looked after him while you hung out with everyone

Y/n- it's okay, maybe next time

After everything was packed we all head back to the Airbnb. Everyone rushed inside once we got back to the house to jump in the pool, I head to mine and Ondreaz room to put Leandro down onto something comfy.

Hours later
I had just finished getting Leandro all dressed up for tonight, he looked super cute in his outfit.

I sit him down on the bed as I hear a knock at the door

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I sit him down on the bed as I hear a knock at the door.

Y/n- come in

Tony- hey you aren't ready?

Y/n- I just got Leandro ready I'm just about to start

Tony- I can take him for a bit so you don't have to worry

Y/n- that would be nice, also have you seen dre?

Tony- he's still in the pool

Y/n- okay, come on Leandro you get to hang out with uncle Tony while mama gets ready

Tony- we are gonna have fun little man

Y/n- as long as you aren't teaching him dumb stuff

Tony- no promises

He head outs of the room and I jump in for a quick shower and wash my hair. I get out of the shower but then  I hear noises from outside. I make my way to the window and don't see anything. Maybe it's just the wind?

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