Chapter 13 • Lopez wedding👰🏽‍♀️

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I see the smoke and my eyes instantly fill with tears, my attention turns to Ondreaz's who is still looking at the smoke in complete shock. His attention eventually turns to me and all we could do was smile, his rushes his way over to me lifting me off the ground into a hug. The crowed was full of claps and screams of excitement.

Ondreaz- I can't believe it

Y/n- neither can I but now we do everything possible to make sure this little one has the best parents

Ondreaz- I couldn't agree more

He giggle and lean in for a quick kiss. Afterwards I turn my attention to the crowd and I smile. I make my way over to the girls

Avani- omg congratulations

Y/n- thank you guys so much

Kouvr- did you think that it would be that colour?

Addison- I mean most of the votes before you did the  reveal was that Colour

Y/n- I had a feeling it would be but I knew no matter what I'd love the baby even if was the other colour

Olivia- now we get to go shopping for clothes and get things to decorate the room

Charli and Dixie- we are totally coming for that

Y/n- decorations I'll allow but I think Ondreaz wants to help pick clothes out too

Ondreaz pov
I can't believe it, we finally know the gender. Y/n and I had been thinking it could possibly be the other colour but we are so happy with the result. After giving her a quick kiss I went over to my family

Mrs Lopez- I'm so happy for the both of you

Ondreaz- thank you mom, I'm so happy all of you guys were here

Xavier- we will always be here. But the question is can you and Tony be there as my best men at mine and Marlene's weeding

Tony- no way bro

Ondreaz- we would love too, anything for you

As the sun begins to set most of the guest begin to leave. The last ones who stayed were charli, Dixie, Addison and avani, which turned out that they were staying the night. The house helps clean up all the mess and decorations from outside before we all decided on having an early night.
I walk into mine and y/n's room and see her admiring her baby bump. She truely was stunning. I shut the door and she turns her head in my direction.

Y/n- what a day

Ondreaz- it was definitely something I'll never forget

Y/n- now we wait a few months

Ondreaz- I'm not sure I can wait a few months

We both get into bed and cuddle up next to each other before drifting to sleep.

Couple days later
Your POV
It's been a few days since the gender reveal and everyone has been showing different clothes and toys for the little one. As much as they were all cute it wasn't my main focus at the moment.
Today Ondreaz, Tony and I were flying to Nevada for Xavier and Marlene's weeding. I was worried about flying with the baby but Marlene said because the flight is less then an hour it was safe, plus it saves being stuck in a car for hours.
We arrive in Nevada and rent a car to use for the few days we were here for. Usually we stay at Mr and Mrs Lopez's but because the venue of the wedding was further from the house the boys decided on stay in a hotel.

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