Chapter 8 • Release day💽

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Your POV
Today is a really big day, since Ondreaz has been working hard in the studio with his song 'No baila' Tony and I decided on surprising him. We told Ondreaz that we'd be going out for breakfast to celebrate with the house instead of a big party, some of the house members knew what the surprise was but knew to keep it on the low.

We all arrive at a little cafe and order, everyone was having conversations about things they've been working on. Just as our food was coming out Tony stands up

Tony- can I just say something quickly before eat" Everyone turns their direction and goes quite

Tony- firstly I'd like to thank everyone for coming out this morning and taking some time away from work, secondly I'd like say a big congratulations to my brother Ondreaz. You've worked really hard these past couple of weeks with this songs and I'm so proud that you've been able to follow another part of your dream.

Everyone begins to cheer as Ondreaz gets out of his chair and goes over towards Tony to have a quick bro hug

Ondreaz- I quickly say something before our food goes cold, thank you everyone for coming out I know everyone has a lot on their plate at the moment but thank you for coming down and showing your support for this song. Being able to do this has been amazing and I can't wait to see show far this goes

We all cheer again and start eating and talk about Ondreaz's music video that was going to be dropping very soon as well. While he was talking about the music video mine and Tony plan was about to begin. I signal Kouvr to call Tony's phone so he'll be able to move away from the table

Tony- sorry guys I gotta quickly take this call" he says while leaving the table

Y/n- no worries

While He walks out of the cafe I get Ondreaz attention so he doesn't see Tony sneak off

Y/n- so are you excited for the music video?

Ondreaz- yeah I think we start shooting the video in 2 days

Y/n- that'll be exciting

Ondreaz- I wish you could be there to watch

Y/n- awww I'm hoping I can make it out of the meeting early to come

That's when I get a message from Tony saying everything was ready to go

Y/n- okay everyone we actually have a surprise for Ondreaz" i say smiling at him

Ondreaz- wait what?" He asks confused

Y/n- before we go out and show you I need you to put this blindfold on

He puts the blindfold on and we guide him out onto the street, all the house members we really surprised with how well the surprise came out

Ryland- only crap that's huge

Ondreaz- what's huge?

Y/n- ryland shut up for a sec, okay now babe this is a celebration gift from Tony and i to say congratulations on releasing your first song

I untie the blindfold and remove it so he can see the billboard

I untie the blindfold and remove it so he can see the billboard

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