Chapter 28 • Puzzles🧩

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Your POV
I wake up with the sun in my eyes and a slight smile on my face, why? Well today is mine and Ondreaz's anniversary. As I roll over I don't see him next to me, where is he? He usually tells me the night before if he has something on but he didn't say anything last night before bed. I was kinda sad that he wasn't here, I was really looking forward to having cuddles this morning.
As I'm getting out of bed to check on Leandro I see a note on my nightstand.

To y/n
I'm sorry that I'm not beside you when you woke up this morning but believe me it'll be worth it. I'd like to play a game for our anniversary.
There will be clues left in certain places that you will need to find for you to end up at the last spot. Before you set of on your first clue I have Leandro with me so you don't need to stress. I've also made you breakfast that is sitting on the bench down stairs, that is also where your first clue is.
Good luck, I love you
Dre x

This idea actually sounds a lot like fun, I head straight for a shower and got myself ready. I make my way down to the kitchen to see a fruit bowl on the counter with some flowers and a present.
The present was a photo of Ondreaz, Leandro and I when Leandro was first born, the photo brought tears to my eyes remembering how special that day was.
I quickly eat my breakfast and put bowl in the sink, that's where I find another clue

Clue 1
You are about to start your little adventure for today. To start I thought you'd go to your favourite place, the smell of seaweed, the wind blowing through your hair and the sound waves

The beach!!! I grab my keys and make my way to the car where I set myself to the beach Ondreaz and I go when we want to watch the sunset. It wasn't long of a drive which was good, as I pull up to the beach I make my way down the sand to see if I could find the next clue. After looking for a few minutes I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Kouvr

Y/n- hey, what are you doing down here

Kouvr- well how are you supposed to find your next clue?

Y/n- dre sent you here?

Kouvr- yep yep and I have your clue

Y/n- could you tell me pleaseeeeeee

Kouvr- here's your clue" she passes the note

Clue 2
Congratulations on finding the first clue!
Just a few more to go before you reach the end.
Now moving onto the clue- it has one of the best views from outside and it's where everything felt as if it was falling apart over 1 person

The hype house!! I give Kouvr a hug and I rush back up the beach to my car, she follows behind on call to someone which is assume would be Ondreaz. 

Hype house
I pull up in the drive way and made my way inside to the kitchen I couldn't see anything or anyone. I was kinda confused to how I was going to find it. After thinking for a few moments I pull out the note and re- read it 'best view' and 'falling apart'. It finally clicked and I did a mental face palm to my face, I head outside to where ryland and Nick where

Ryland- toke you long enough

Y/n- shut up okay I didn't think

Nick- clearly

Y/n- can I have my 3rd clue

Ryland- yeah here it is

Clue 3
Well done, the reason I put this place as the clue was because it reminds me of how our relationship went from good to bad because of one person, it also made me want to fight for us and I'm grateful I did because I became so lucky.
Your next clue- this place is where you and I have worked the hardest and it also made you and my brother closer friends

Dance studio! I give the boys a hug each before I rush back down stairs to my car, Ondreaz was really making these clues meaningful. So far each location has been a piece of how we got to where we are, it's like travelling back in time

Dance studio
I rush inside and go to mine, Ondreaz and Tony's dance room. As I get inside there's no one there, am I in the right room? I re-read the clue but was half way through when the lights went off.
That's when there was light on the wall, it showed the dances of mine and Ondreaz's. This place always made things feel right between us, there was no need for words. Just the music told each other how we felt as we danced.
The lights go out again but the room lights come back on, few seconds later sj and Tony come in

Sj- you truly are a talented dancer y/n

Y/n- yeah I was back then

Tony- I'm sure you still are

Y/n- I'll try another time

Sj- ready for the next clue?

Y/n- yep yep

Clue 4
This place is what made showed me how talent you are. This room has had many ups and downs from when you and I first met but it is also where we have connected the most.
Your next clue- everyone in the house knew but you for hours as I was setting up our first date, the day I asked you to be mine

The original hype house, I again made my way out of the building and too my car. As I drove off sj and Tony weren't far behind.

Original hype house
I arrive at the old house where the first hype house members lived, it brought back so many old memories. Like when charli and I would teach Kouvr dance routines, when the house would go swimming, New Years, the Sebastian drama and so much more.
I walk up to the side gate to the backyard and saw a candle trail, I walk towards where a similar tent was set up for Ondreaz and I's first date to see avani, charli, Dixie and Addison inside

Avani- geez it's nearly sunset

Y/n- why what's happens after sunset

Charli- you'll see but are you excited

Y/n- curious more then anything

Dixie- you'll love it I promise

Y/n- okay let's do this

Addison- here's your final clue

Clue 5
This date was so special to me, it was the first date that I had to really think to impress you. The boys and I toke a lot of time to get everything set up while the girls distracted you but in the end it was all worth it
Final clue- where everything first began with us, it starts of with a bump but leads to happiness after a rocky start

His and Tony old room, can't believe he mentioned the time he flung the door open into my face. But it true, it's how it all started. I rushed inside to see most of the hype house members, past and present leading the way to the room.
I stand out front of the old room and look at everyone one last time, I mouthed thank you to them all as I opened the door.
The room was set up with pillows, food and movies. I close the door and walk over to the bed to see another note

To y/n
Congratulations on finishing the little adventure, you can turn around to see your prize

I turn around to see Ondreaz and Leandro standing by the door

Ondreaz- we've been waiting the whole day for you

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